"Pidge, you okay?" Y/N said walking over to Pidge and helping her up.


"He's alright and what are you doing? Hunk, stop the shaking." Lance said.

"I'm try-  oh no," was all Hunk could say before he threw up in the box where the tools for the  ship were. 

"Attention Lunar Vessel this is Galaxy Garrison rescue craft one victor six three tango coming in for landing and extraction against crew recommendation." Pidge said once again throw the speaker and this time didn't fall.

"No time for your mutinous comments now, Pidge. They're going under and we're going in." Lance said.

"Look out for that overhang." Y/N exclaimed with her normal voice not slightly panicked. 

"No worries my first year in flight school, know what they call me? They call me tailor because of how i thread the needle." Lance said in a confident voice.

"WHoaaa!!" They all said.

"Come around, come around! Come on, come on!" Lance said a little panicked.

"We lost a wing" Hunk exclaimed with his panic mode on.

"simulation failed" Said a robotic voice and all the screens went off.

"Nice work tailor" Pidge exclaimed clearly mad. 

"At least we tried." Y/N said.

"Roll out donkeys." Iverson said to the four. " Let's see if we can use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest  of the students. Can anyone point out the mistake of four so-called cadets made?"

"The engineer puked in the main gearbox." A student exclaimed.

"Yes, as everyone knows vomit is not approved lubricant engine systems. What else?"

"The pilot crashed." Said another student.

" Correct! And worst of all the whole jump they were arguing with each other. Except for Y/N not only did she not argue she was also the only one not making any mistakes." Iverson said and smiled at Y/N. A lot of people in the school thought that Y/N is his favorite student. Well he couldn't agree less because Y/N was just calm and hopeful all the time and she always knew when to be playful and when to be not.

"Heck if you're going to be this bad individually. You'd better at least be able to work as a team. Galaxy Garrison exists turn into young cadets like you into the next generation of elite astrologers, but these kinds of mental mistakes are exactly what cost the life of the kerberos mission" Iverson exclaimed and Y/N could see that pidge was getting angry.

"That's not true sir!" She said a little irradiated.

"What did you say?" 

Before Pidge could answer Lance answered " Sorry sir, i think he hit his head when he fell out of his seat." He said.


And with that they went their separate ways Y/N going with Pidge and Lance and Hunk going the other way.


Memes of the chapter:

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