1: Simulation

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"Lance, keep this thing straight!" Hunk said from his chair on the ship. Clearly annoyed.

"Relax Hunk, i'm getting a feel of the stick. It's not like i did this." Lance answered.

"You know Lance he is right you shouldn't play around." Y/N said in her beautiful, calm and soothing voice.

"You know gorgeous you look extra cute when you are annoyed." Lance said and looked at Y/N who had a blank expression on her face.

"Um, she doesn't look annoyed to me." Hunk said but lance just ignored him.

"Or this." Lance said and Hunk growled.

Okay so basically Lance was playing around, poor Hunk looked like he was just about to throw up and Pidge was just typing some weird buttons on the panel thingy. And there was Y/N looking at her team thinking or hoping that they will make it.

"Okay unless you want to wipe beef stroganoff from all the little nooks and crannies in this thing, you better knock it off, man." Hunk growled once again.

"Hunk, be quiet and appreciate that we have such a gorgeous Co-pilot on the ship-" Lance said but was cut off by a beeping sound on the ship.

"We picked up a distress beacon" Pidge said from her seat. 'Yeah, her because me and her have been friends for a long time now and she told me all her secrets and i told her all my secrets along with my parents death.' Y/N thought

"All right look alive except for you Y/N you already look beautiful." Lance flirted but Y/N just ignore it and looked away.

"Pidge track down coordinates." Lance finally ordered.


"Knock it off Lance, please." Hunk said and Y/N felt bad for the poor guy.

"This ones on you buddy. We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out" Lance answered once again not stopping.

"Oh no." Hunk said. 

"Oh no, fix now puke later."

"We lost contact!! the shaking is interfering with our sensors" Pidge said a little panicked.

"Hunk can you please try and fix it," Y/N pleaded.

"Come on Hunk." Lance said.

"It's not responding"

"It's okay Hunk just relax a little and try and calm yourself." Y/N said soothingly.

"Thanks Y/N i will-" Hunk said but was cut off by Lance.

"Never mind fellas that. She blows preparing for an approach on visuol." Said Lance, Lance clearly didn't like Y/N talking with other boys and stuff.

" I don't think that's advisable with our current mechanical and gastrointestinal issues." Pidge exclaimed.

"Agreed" Y/N and Hunk said at the same time.

"Stop worrying! This baby can take it can't you champ." Lance said petting the ship like a small cute kitten.

The ship started rumbling and Y/N looked at Lance with a raised brow and gave Lance a "Really" look.

"She was nodding." Said Lance smiling nervously.

"Pidge hail down to them and let them know their ride is here." Lance commanded.

Pidge clicked on a button which activates a speaker " Attention Lunar Vessel-" but before she could finish she fell out of her chair.

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