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Something new and familiar

Something new and familiar

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Alexander was dreaming again. Usually, it was nice dreams. Memories he and his older sister shared. Happy memories from their time at camp.
He hadn't been allowed to fight in the battle of manhattan, but he knew his sister had problems with memories from the battle.

He didn't, but this dream was something out of the ordinary for him. It was as if he was in the dream, but not in it at the same time.
He'd heard about demigod dreams before; how they could often tell you something about the future, but he'd never had one himself. Not once in his five years at camp.
Not once on the long way from Canada to long island.
Not once in his ten years of life.

Something that was also out of the ordinary was the happenings.
Usually, he'd be seeing memories with him and Catherine, but what he was seeing did not include the son of iris at all.

He could see four people walking in what must've been a type of field. He recognised Catherine right away, her red braided red hair resting on her shoulder and her blue eyes staring curiously at her surroundings. Her eyes met his, but it didn't seem like she noticed him there at all.
Then he realised who Catherine was walking next to. It was a very familiar face; one he'd known since his first summer at camp half-blood.
The missing Percy Jackson.

While Catherine had never really talked to the boy, Alexander had. Percy was the one to teach him how to yield a sword; even though Catherine was against it as he was "too young".
Percy had taught both him and Catherine how to swim, and Percy had taught him to not give up.

But Percy was missing, so Alexander quickly figured this must've been something that would happen in the future because he did not recognise the remaining two. Not to mention that Catherine's hair was longer than it currently was, so it couldn't have been in the past.

To Catherine's left, a brunette girl and a blonde boy seemed to be conversing with each other. The girl kept sparing glances at Catherine but was always quick to look away when the blonde boy started talking again.
Alexander couldn't tell what they were saying, but the glances the brunette sent at his sister didn't seem very dangerous. It was almost as if she was admiring a painting at a museum.

Catherine didn't notice, apparently, as she and Percy Jackson seemed to be in deep conversation about something very unrelated to the field they were walking in.

Then the world collided and everything went pure white for a second. There was Catherine again.

She looked mostly the same, except maybe a little younger and less put together. Her hair which must've been in braids originally was dirty as it rested on the ground. Her blue eyes were closed. She didn't move.

Alexander panicked for a second, looking around to see the blonde boy from earlier in a similar state not far away. He did not recognise the place, but it sent a shiver down his spine. Why wasn't his sister moving?

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