"Are you sleepy?" Y/n asks a moment later, her voice quiet as if not to disturb the movie playing on the laptop.

Jennie opens her eyes and turns to look at her. "You know the answer to that is always going to be yes, right?"

A laugh rumbles through Y/n's chest and again, Jennie wants to be closer, to feel the warmth and softness of Y/n's skin under her fingers. "Right. Sorry."

Their eyes are on each other, Jennie taking in the small details about Y/n; the dip of her collarbones showing above the collar of her shirt, the fading bruise on her cheekbone, the sheen of spit on her bottom lip when her tongue darts out to wet the skin.

Jennie flicks her eyes back to Y/n's, her heart jumping when she finds that Y/n never looked away to begin with, how intense her eyes are. She shifts, clearing her throat, trying to get the tension to leave her body.

Y/n starts smiling and Jennie feels like she gets smacked upside the head, completely mesmerized by the curl of Y/n's lips, the tiny glint in her eyes, how soft and inviting the gesture is.

"What?" Jennie wants to know.

Y/n's smile only grows wider until Jennie physically can't stop herself from smiling along. She turns her face to hide it in her pillow, groaning when Y/n chuckles at her. "What are you acting so shy for?"

"It's not my fault! Stop smiling at me like that."



"You sound like a five year old right now."

Jennie feels something like frustration bubble beneath her skin; the same feeling she had earlier this evening when she was cooking for Y/n.

The rational part of her knows that Y/n is just joking, that she's teasing her.

But the other part, the one that's so head over heels for Y/n it wants nothing more than prove the older wrong. Prove to her that she isn't just a moody bitch, or someone younger she needs to tease and fret over.

It's that part that makes Jennie slam her laptop shut and push it out of the way so she can move and pin Y/n down on the mattress.

Y/n's eyes widen at the sudden action and she blinks up at Jennie cluelessly, her fingers curling and uncurling from where Jennie is pressing her wrists into the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Stop treating me like a kid," Jennie says, swinging her legs over Y/n's waist so she's straddling her.

"Like a kid?" Y/n furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "I don't treat you like a kid."

"You keep calling me a brat and bitch. And cute and stuff."

"Because you are," Y/n says, a ghost of a smile appearing on her face. "Both of those things."

"Yeah but it's like-" Jennie huffs in frustration, relaxing her hold on Y/n's wrists and leaning back until she's sitting on Y/n's thighs. "I can be other things, too."

Y/n brings a hand up to card it through the back of Jennie's hair, humming quietly. "Like what?"

"Dunno. Like... Mature. Serious." Jennie stops for a moment, her cheeks burning as she thinks about Roseanne who would smack her with a pillow if she heard her right now. "And sexy."

Y/n stares at her blankly and Jennie watches in horror how her lips curl up in amusement. She's not taking Jennie seriously, at all. "Sexy," She repeats with a flat voice.

"Yes." Jennie nods her head.

"You," Y/n adds, still with that annoyingly monotone voice.

"What-" Jennie splutters, a frown taking over her face. "What's that supposed to mean?"

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