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a/n this is kind of a little bit of an extra gift from me to you for the holidays and being MIA for a year or so with this... let me know how you like it. It's a bonus chapter that doesn't really fall into the plot of sorts.

There's no place like home for the holidays

       Christmas music filled the house as me and Bella put the last ornaments on the tree. Charlie was in the kitchen making a turkey. Quil was on the couch laughing at Bella nearly tripping over herself trying to help put up the ribbon on the tree. It felt like an actual Christmas for once. Christmases never have felt more Christmasey like it did this christmas season. Quil started going through some of the ornaments that were made when me and Bella were kids. Charlie then started telling stories of when we were kids. Embarrassment 101, am I right?

    "Can we do a christmas cookie exchange with our friends and your friends dad?" Giving him puppy eyes I hope he says yes. Bella kinda glances at me. "Would this be at our house?" I nod. "Sure." I grin "But..."

"I knew there was going to be a but." Bella chimed in.

"You two have to watch a football game with me on Christmas."

    "Deal." Bella and I say. Watching one football game shouldn't be too bad with dad right? Hopefully we could also possible sneak in a white elephant exchange without telling dad before he vetoed the idea. Granted, he might have to work on Christmas this year?

    Renee never really let us do any of those with our friends. Christmas in Arizona were always a little weird when we didn't go to dad's. Renee would either forget to wrap the presents or forget that it's Christmas so when the girls would wake up Christmas morning, there would be a pile of unwrapped gifts with a few that got professionally wrapped at the mall kiosks. We would love those days because that meant that we could convince that mom to take us out to dinner at one of the few restaurants that would be open. 

     "The only thing I say is no matching Christmas pajama's this year Rae." Quil laughs at Charlie. Charlie  knew full well after 2 Christmases in a row that Rae would 100% buy matching pajamas to wear on christmas morning. It's not that he doesn't like the idea of matching christmas outfits but it fit the Rae and Bella a lot more to do matching pajamas. "Would you take christmas slippers?"


"Dang it." Rae sighed and sent a look over to Bella. Which probably meant that at least one of the gifts is either a matching pajama look or a matching slipper combo type thing. 

    They don't talk about the absolute chaos that was Rae trying and successfully convincing Charlie to get a real christmas tree. Which meant that they had to take Bella's truck in order to get said christmas tree. Charlie insisted that he drove. The three had piled into the truck and drove in pursuit of a christmas tree farm that'll still have decent christmas tree.

We're simply having a wonderful christmas time

Two days before christmas

"Hold up. Hold. Her sister was a witch bro. And what was she? A princess." Embry yelled.

"She came down in a bubble, Jake."

"I'm gonna stab him." Jake looked over at Quil.

     "You're gonna look at me and tell me that I'm wrong. Am I wrong?" Embry storms out of the room and into the kitchen. Bella was actually laughing a lot. Charlie looked somewhat mortified. Billy was trying to hold back a laugh, while Sue smiled. Rae took a picture of the group on a disposable camera she found. Bella and Rae weren't sure if Sue or her kids were going to join, seeing as they were still mourning the loss of Harry. But the two were glad none the less that they came to the party.

You're my flashlight (Quil Ateara) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now