Matthews Memories

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The Scottish highlands.
It's early in the morning. Way too early for you to be awake.
But he is.
Moving slowly, because his bones have carried him around the world.
Breathing sharply, because those lungs fought wars for him.
His eyes closed, because he knows his way.

Watching him from above, he seems so small, compared to the endless geen hills around him.
But getting closer, he is a individual, like everyone is. His eyes so blue, his upper body supported by a walking stick, his left heand still wearing the wedding ring.

Oh there, he reached his destination; the cliff.
He shakes, pulling his jacket closer.
He sits down at his own bank.
Not in the middle, he wants to leave some place for the ones who are long gone.
"Enjoy todays sunrise, Matthew" is carved in the oak wood.
And he does, oh how he does.
The colours in the sky make his eyes water, once again.
He smiles and a tear drops, just a single one.

He has lived a life.
He has seen the most breathtaking places, got to know the most interisting persons, he loved.
He ate breakfast in cafes in paris, london, vienna and rome.
He looks back and there are no regrets, he loved that life.
Memories, the most unique ones.
Collecting them for this very moment.
But he has been going alone in the mornings for quite some time now.
He discovered the pain in living long, but also the beauty in remembering.
Remembering tiny moments.

He knows that he will not make it back to his cottage.
His body is old and tired.
He just came to see the sun taking her path for a last time.
Saying goodbye to his favorite place.
Experiencing its peace.
Watching the birds.
The air, forming the grass.
The landscape, the one he grew up in.
Childish laughs and steps of a young boy running, trying to not get caught by his farther.
Mathew leans back and lisens.
Oh and he smells.
The apple crumble from his mother.
Her smile as she waved him from the house.
Matthew crosses his fingers.
Just breathing his last breaths.
Feeling the fresh and cold substance in his body.
He falls asleep.
In peace.
He knows that he will wake up in heaven.

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