That stopped helping a long time ago, but it seems to still have a very relaxing effect on her body.

“Race you to the water!” Nayeon yells and Jennie hears Taehyung laugh and when she turns to look at them, she sees them get out of their clothes, wearing swim trunks and a bathing suit underneath.

Jennie laughs and shakes her head when both of them just run into the water, Nayeon screaming when the cold water touches her feet. She jumps back, whining as she wraps her arms around her upper body.

“It’s freezing!” She screams. “Taehyung! How are you doing that?”

But Taehyung seems to be having the time of his life, already having gone underwater and wet his whole head. “It’s good for you! Trust me.” He reaches out to help her into the water, holding her hand, and Jennie grins because she can see the blush on her cheeks all the way from where she's standing.

“That’s a heart attack,” Joohyun mutters a while later, pointing at the kids from where she’s unpacking some of the Gimbap Jennie’s grandma prepared for them.

Jennie is sitting on the blanket next to her, still dressed in her shorts and her warm sweater. She watches the others jump around and scream like little kids in the water, Nayeon sitting on Y/n’s shoulders and having a chicken fight with Seulgi who’s sitting on top of Seokmin’s.

Y/n hasn’t made an effort to talk to her yet and when they accidentally bumped into each other earlier when Y/n was undressing, the older just looked up at her with wide eyes before turning away again.

“You guys are being stupid,” Joohyun says once she’s finished sorting all their stuff out, sitting closer to Jennie to share some warmth. “You’re leaving by the end of next week and you’re spending your time ignoring each other?”

“She’s ignoring me,” Jennie says. “I didn’t do anything wrong. She should be the one to apologize.”

“I agree. I don’t even know what happened but knowing Y/n, I agree.” She chuckles and lets out a dramatic sigh. “Her and her stupid pride.”

Jennie hums, feeling a bit bad for talking like that about Y/n when she could at least come up with another hundred reasons why she likes the girl so much. “I just wish I knew where she was coming from when she lashes out on me like that so I can, I don’t know, understand her. But she just comes across like a douchebag like this.”

“The only way to get Y/n to open up is to get her completely shit faced,” Joohyun says. “Either that, or you.”

Jennie glances at her, furrowing her eyebrows. “Me?”

“Oh, come on.” Joohyun grins and nudges her shoulder. “You’re like her weak spot. You should’ve seen her when Seokmin made a joke about you the other day. She definitely didn’t take it well, having someone making fun of her boo.”

“Stop.” Jennie groans, feeling her cheeks heat up at the information.

“She’s so smitten with you, Jennie.” Joohyun’s smile is warmer now, less teasing. “I wish things were different. I would feel a lot better knowing she still has you once I’m gone.”

Jennie tenses up at her words. Isn’t that exactly why Y/n and her had their stupid fight in the first place? “Did you talk to her?”

“About what?”

“About leaving the village,” Jennie says. “Whenever I bring it up she clams up and gets all… angry.”

“Yeah. I know.” Joohyun and her both look at Y/n, who looks so carefree right now, pushing Nayeon under water and holding the girl’s wrists when she tries to playfully hit her. “I’ve been talking to her about this for years, Jennie. I honestly think you’re better off talking to a wall instead of talking to Y/n about this subject.”

Catch The StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora