Chapter 1: Nunew's life🐱

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*Nunew POV*

Well guess whose dumbass forgot to set his alarm? Yeah me. I literally forgot today is my son's first day of daycare!! What kind of mother am I?!!

Oh yeah before panicking let me introduce my self my name is Nunew Chawarin a single omega mother and a teacher. I got pregnant by my best friend at the age 20 years old pretty young am I right? But that's all in the past now I really have to concentrate to my son.

After getting up and taking a shower I went to my son's room to wake him up

"Baby wake up it's school day..." I whispered to his ear softly I don't want to rattle him at his 1st day after tapping softly my baby finally opened his eyes looking at me with the same eyes like his father

"Good Morning mommy" He said softly still yawning
"Good Morning too baby" I said and kissed his forehead

Carrying him I took him to the kitchen so we can eat but my son seems to be clingy than usual he would willingly sit in his chair but now he doesn't want me to let go of him so I have no choice to sit with him on my lap.

After eating and readying my baby boy I went to my car and drove us to his school. I got small but very cozy house for me and my baby and it's only near our school we can walk but I don't want my son to be all sweaty on his first day. The thing is that I'm suppose to be his teacher but I was moved to teach kindergarten but their room is next to mine so I can still watch over him

Actually after finding out I'm pregnant I lost 2 important people in my life and that's Nat and Sang Hee my 2 childhood friends. You see in the 3 of us I'm the only who is very different both if them are rich and I am not I have to work just to get what I need but they still took me as a friend but it changed when Heather decided it was a good idea to ruin my image...

She said that I seduce Zee and showed a lot of fake screenshots but the 2 still believe her they broke our friendship and like Zee they also said "Never come to us again. If you see us we'll act like you never existed in our life".... Yeah it hurts but it's OK so in the end Heather gained (stole) 2 amazing people from my life, it took me 3 months of suffering seeing the 3 of them being happy with their own partners.. they really replace me like that I guess I was so replaceable even the friends I treat like siblings forgot about me so easily

Now let's forget them I arrived now in the school and took my son's hands in mine and went inside and let me say it was pure chaos my son kept throwing tantrums when I was trying to leave him I kept telling him that I'm just next to his room like in our home but his not having it. Still I manage to coax him that he'll sleep on my room tonight now his all ready but still have tears I kneel down to his level and kissed his tears/cheeks making him giggle cutely

After that chaos I went now to my own classroom and saw a lot of cute babys this is what I really love about my job is to see this adorable faces all day.

Now is finally the end of the day and my co-teacher said that Daw was really well mannered and behaved through out the whole day so of course I was proud of my dear. Now it's time to go to the supermarket and stock up on foods again

Going inside I took a push cart and place my son in the small chair so he can enjoy as well. But during our shopping I can't help but feel someone is starring at me but I ignored it it's probably just a coincidence and I kept my focus on my baby

"Daw you still have this at home" I said as he kept wanting the snack we have like literally he still has a pack back at home he doesn't need to buy more and now his tearing up If I don't buy his snack his so throwing a tantrum so I put the snack in the cart making him happy again but when he wasn't looking I put it back at the shelf and just give the one we have at home.

Even after paying our groceries now this part is the hardest in going to a grocery cause I have to carry the bags and my son and let me say both are very heavy!! But hey there's nothing much I can do I'm all alone so I have to face it.

After that tiering trip I gave Daw his snack and rest for a few minutes I need to catch my breath. Then I have to cook, clean, make a lesson plan, check some papers and sleep.

After giving birth to Daw the doctor told me to not overwork my body cause the pain and exhaustion has affect my health so when I overwork I would woke up in a hospital bed with a HIV attached to my hand but what can I do? I'm a single mother I don't have anyone to help me at all, my family dump me after finding out about Daw I have to work for both of us to live but it's OK as long as I can manage I'm okay

After all the hard work today I finally get to sleep but only for 3 hours cause I used up all the time in making the lesson plans and checking the kids worksheets.

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