Part 9.

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Christmas part.

Lando's Pov:
It's Christmas! I've been waiting for this for 363 days. Even with Formula 1, we drivers also did a secret-Santa. You could ask why, simply so that we can do something at Christmas.

I got Charles this year, which is a great relief because at least I know what Charles likes. It's easy for Carlos too, he got Seb. I got a special gift for Charles and I'm sure he'll love it when he figures out what to use it for.

I love this kind of Christmas, because it really feels like we are one big family. Also, this is our last Christmas as Seb retires and Daniel's future is still in question. But we will certainly invite them next year, as well as Kimi this year, but Kimi couldn't come this year because he went skiing with his family.

After breakfast, everyone gathered in the living room and we could start handing out the gifts. On the occasion of his retreat, Seb started.

-So, I got my famous rival who, despite his age, can still fight everyone in the same way. Nando, thank you for taking care of me in Abu Dhabi and didn't take me out. Merry Christmas.- with that, Seb gave Nando his gift and we watched curiously what was in the package.
Fernando opened it and immediately burst out laughing, we also looked at the photo and fell for it too. Seb gave Nando the photo showing Seb 4 as a four-time world champion. Fernando must have liked it.

-Thank you Seb, then remind me to put it in a place where I can definitely see it everyday.-paused and continued- I pulled Yuki.-said Nando and handed his gift to Yuki. Opening the package, we saw that a Yuki had received a booster seat. I could see he really liked it.

-I drew my ex-teammate.- and with that we immediately assumed that Pierre was drawn. He gave him a photo together. This is so cute, and Pierre really liked it too.

The rest of the gift-giving was dead boring, of course, until I came.
Pierre gave Lewis a pair of fashionable trousers, which of course we laughed at, and they said we didn't understand fashion. Lewis pulled Nicky and gave him a voucher for a North American Nutella factory. Nicky pulled George and gave him a toy Williams to "always remember their time together". George pulled Max and gave him a lion plushie with a miniature 1st place medal. He pulled Max Zhou and gave him some special Chinese stuff, even after the explanation, half of the company didn't understand what it was, I think it was something about tea. Zhou pulled Alex and gave him pink hair dye, saying that he would have to use it one weekend. Alex got Valtteri and gave him a bike outfit, but he didn't lie to himself and printed his naked picture on it. Valtteri pulled Checo and got a lot of alcohol. I think that those who had a lot of bad races this year drank so much that we are already considered drunk. Checo got Carlos and gave him a chili special, which in theory he really likes. Then if he can't stand the sting, I'll give him milk. 🤷‍♂️ Carlos pulled Seb and gave him a certificate that everyone signed, a kind of farewell letter. Written on it: "It was an experience to compete with you, thank you, we look forward to your return." Next was Daniel, who pulled Kevin and gave a prize that was prepared for the "most unexpected pole-sitter". Kevin pulled Lance and who would have guessed, gave him alcohol. Lance pulled Estie and got a voucher for a wild park that is very famous about having eagles. Estie pulled Mick and gave him a bizarre Christmas sweater that hurt to look at. Mick pulled me and I got a night light from him. Now I won't be afraid even in the dark alone!! Now comes my present.

-So I pulled a good friend of mine, but please don't say again I'm a dick in public, thank, so here you go Charles- I gave him my present. What did I give Charles? A camera.

-Is this a camera?-he asked, and I buried my hand in my face.

- Of course it's a camera. You get it so that you can capture as many things as possible on it!-I told Charles and he took the opportunity to take a picture of us.

Finally, Charles was next, he was the last one so it was obvious that he got Daniel, so he simply gave his gift. Daniel opened it and his famous smile spread across his face.

- Are you just playing with me now? Has Harry autographed a Harry T-shirt? Thank you very much, it really means alot.-said Daniel.

-I had to wait a long time until he signed it-said Charlie.

Yeah, I know it's horrible, but the camera will be so important so Lando had to give it to Charles. Sorry, because I hate this chapter myself too.

Anyways, Merry Christmas!

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