Part 3.

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Charles' POV:
Yesterday was horrible. I really didn't care about anything. But then I really didn't see any other way. I didn't think that Max found me. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't slept with Max, because I didn't even know about my world.

When we got to the airport, everyone was surprised that we arrived together. Pierre asked me many questions. But I was too tired to everything, that's why I just said I'll tell you later. To which I only got a few worried looks from him.

When we got on the plane, I fell asleep almost immediately. Pierre was talking with Carlos and Lando. Our house will be in Palma, so the journey will be 1 hour and 20 minutes. It took me a while to fall asleep because my head hurt so much. But in the end I just fell asleep.

I woke up to Pierre shaking me and Carlos and Lando saying my name. My eyes opened completely in a flash, to the speech.

-Charles, get up!-said Pierre.
- I'm up, I'm up!
-We see...- Carlos rolled his eyes.

-Okay, so the FIA ​​said that there will be 4 minibuses here, which will take approx. We can reach the house in 10 minutes. For the drivers we chose Lewis, Val, Checo and me, - After what Seb said, a question arose in my mind, which I was not afraid to ask.
- When did this happen? - I asked.
-When you slept like you were beaten to death!- then we all burst out laughing.
-So car 1 will be: Lance, Estie, Nicky, and Mick, and the driver will be Val. Car 2 will have Carlos, Lando, George, Alex, and Lewis. In the 3rd car, Kevin, Yuki, Zhou, Nando and Checo. The last car will be Max, Pierre, Charles, Daniel and me. We hope everyone survives the trip!" concluded Seb.

Like the others, we went to our minibus, which had room for the driver and 1 other person in the front, and 3 people in the back.

-I'm sitting in front!-said Daniel.
-Okay, so Pierre, will you sit among them?- asked Seb, and we gave him a pointed look.
-Why does everyone think we're going to kill each other?-asked Max, to which no one answered.

Pierre sat between us. And Daniel turned on the radio in the front, which he turned up very loud. My head immediately started to hurt and I nervously massaged the bridge of my nose.

-Seb, are there room assignments?- I asked suddenly.
- In principle, yes, and then it will be written down on a piece of paper. - said Seb.

Now it is unlikely that I will share a room with Pierre. Really good!

When we got there, Lewis was already there. Not long after, the others also came. As soon as we entered the house with our things, we saw that there was a paper on the table. Seb went over and looked at it.

-Okay, here are the room assignments, Alex-George, Carlos-Lando, Nicky-Mick, Seb-Lewis, Nando-Yuki, Kevin-Val, Estie-Pierre, Max-Charles, Zhou-Lance, Checo-Daniel.-he read.
-Come on! But why? -came the dissatisfied answers. At first I didn't understand what was happening, so I asked Mick, who was standing next to me.
-Then who will I be with?-I asked him quietly.
-With Max.- My blood freezed. We can't live with eachothers.
- We have to stick to the FIA! - said Nando. Of course, I would watch it if he must live with his biggest rival.

After looking at the rooms, we all packed up. I also entered the room what we shared with Max. When I unpacked, I took my book out of my bag and started reading. While he was packing or on the phone. It was quiet.

Then Daniel knocked on the door, I know because only he knocks like that.

- Come in! - said Max.
- How is the life together? - Dani asked with a laugh.
- We've been living together for 20 minutes, why would we have fallen out? - Max asked back. At which Daniel laughed.
-Never mind. Are you here for dinner?
- I'm going! - said Max.
- I'm going right now! - I said. They nodded and left the room.

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