12. 2v1'ing the God of War

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We were eventually picked up by a Coast Guard boat. Once we climbed aboard, we got multiple questions like "What are you three doing out here?" and "Does that kid have hooves?"

Ya know, the normal stuff.

I figured we could we could get away so the first question by saying we fell off a boat or something, but there was really no way to explain goat legs.

I thought back to the first time I spoke with Annabeth.

The Mist was one of Hecate's domains.

'Okay, (Name). You fought and killed both the Chimera and Echidna. You stared Medusa down.' I hyped myself up before taking a deep breath and focusing.

I imagined the Mist as a visible force that swirled around the heads of the coast guards, obscuring their visions.

Hopefully that worked.

Then I imagined Grover having human feet. Never thought I'd be focusing so hard on feet, but here we are.

I thought it didn't work for a second, but my imaginary Mist disappeared and I saw the eyes of the coast guards were glazed over.

God, I am so awesome.

They looked at each other and shrugged before beginning to drive the boat back towards the shore.

"Was that you?" Percy asked me.

I raised a brow. "How could you tell?"

He shrugged. "Your eyes glow a little when you're doing your magic stuff."

"Why are you staring at my eyes so hard? Got a crush on me?"

He shoved me slightly and I laughed.

I looked over to the others. Grover looked like his normal nervous self, but I couldn't see Annabeth's face as she was facing away from me.

I'd noticed that she had been trying not to look at me ever since we came from the Underworld.

Granted, we'd only come out a few minutes ago, but it isn't hard to tell when someone was desperately trying to keep their eyes off of you.

She must've been upset because of the way I accused Luke.

First we have this emotional bonding moment at this exact beach, and now she won't even look at me.

That hurt a bit, not gonna lie.

"Hey uh—"

"Don't bother," she responded like she knew what I was going to say. "I'm not mad at you."

She finally turned to look at me, and I saw just how pained she was. I couldn't blame her. Luke obviously meant a lot to her. He was all she had after what happened to Thalia.

"During the trip to Olympus, he just kind of...disappeared for a while." Annabeth said softly. "He had this...serious, bitter look in his eyes. I convinced myself that I didn't see it. The Luke that I knew had never looked like that. When he came back, he looked proud of something. I didn't ask why, I was just happy to see him happy. A while after that, it was revealed that the Master Bolt was stolen and now we know the Helm of Darkness was stolen too. I should've known. Some daughter of Athena I am.."

Grover looked close to tears while Percy pretended like he wasn't listening. He looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't want to make the situation any worse.

"You trust me?" I asked stupidly.

"I don't want to," she admitted. "But you're smart, (Name). You're able to piece things together faster than I ever imagined. You found out who Medusa was and even managed to look at her. You figured out it was Luke who.." She trailed off at that. "You even killed the Chimera and Echidna..on your first mission! I've never even seen you lose your composure. You're always so confident and-"

Magic In the Air| The Lightning Thief Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now