2. Percy Starts A Plumbing Business

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Percy slept for a while once we were both situated, which he honestly kind of deserved after what he'd been through.

Not many twelve year old could say that killed a Minotaur with it's own horn.

Oh yeah, now that the initial shock is gone, now I can process this normally.


What the actual fuck, that was a real Minotaur!

I'm a pretty laidback guy, but the fact that I almost just died fighting that thing made me break out into a sweat after I sat down and thought on it for a bit.

I had to force myself to sleep because I didn't feel like panicking anymore...I was also a bit creeped out by the blonde girl who just kind of stared at me with a calculating look, as if she knew something that I didn't.

I swear I could hear her asking questions about a summer solstice and something about being stolen while I was asleep so she must talk a lot or something.

I woke up to Percy not in his bed anymore and sighed softly. I didn't know the guy, like, at all, but even so I didn't like being confused alone so I was hoping he showed up soon.

Groaning softly, I got off of the bed, which was pretty high quality for a camp, and smacked my lips, tasting something akin to a cinnamon roll.

Walking to the door, I stepped outside and shivered at the slightly cold air, digging my hands into the pockets of my dark windbreaker that I had gotten from some nice old lady a while ago.

Next to me, there was a deck chair with Percy sitting in it, still asleep.

I took a step closer to make sure he was alright. "Why move him outside instead of letting him sleep on the bed?" I asked myself before taking notice of the glass next to him.

It was filled with an amber liquid, and for a second I was tempted to take it for myself, but I forced myself to leave it alone. This guy was probably gonna need it a lot more than me when he woke up.

Speaking of, his eyes began to open and observed his surroundings for a second, completely ignoring me and focusing on the drink that he managed to grab with a bit of difficulty.


I almost shrieked at the sudden voice and snapped my head over to see the goat guy, but he wasn't very goat-like right now. He wore a bright orange T-shirt with 'CAMP HALF BLOOD' printed on the front, blue jeans, and Converse hi-tops.

"You saved my life," he said, "I...Well, the least I could do...I went back to the hill. I thought you might want this."

He placed a shoe box on his lap, which held the broken off horn of the Minotaur.

'Sure, get the traumatized kid a horrifying reminder of the monster that brutalized his mother in front of him..' Was my first thought.

My second thought was, "sick."

"The Minotaur."

"Um, Percy, it isn't such a good idea—"

"That's what they call him in the Greek myths, right?" He demanded. "The Minotaur. Half man, half bull."

The other guy shifted like he was uncomfortably with the subject. "You've been out for two days. How much do you remember?"

I didn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation, choosing to lean on the porch railing and look out towards the valley.

"Are you coming?"

I looked over my shoulder to see Percy with wobbly knees and his friend looking at me expectantly. "Uh, sure."

Magic In the Air| The Lightning Thief Male Reader Insertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن