1. (Name) (Last Name), Bullfighting Extraordinaire

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Being a half blood is pretty damn sick if you ignore all the monsters trying to kill you, gods trying to kill you, ya know, things trying to kill you in general.

It's like living life on hardcore, but you get cool ass mods.

Mods meaning superpowers, or magic if you're lucky.

Luckily for me, I'm lucky.

But I guess it's not all saving the dayand having cool ass abilities, being alive is a constant fight for survival between you, and whatever unholy forces comes for you next.

And they never stop coming.

It's just a matter of time before you're found.

The one thing they love more than a half blood is a half blood that knows what they are.

If you've ever felt different, not like anyone else...maybe even a bit more powerful at times, step away.

Burn this book, don't read it, do whatever you want, just don't continue.

When you realize what you are, they will too, and they will come for you.

My name is (Name) (Last Name), and I am the demigod son of...


I wish I could say that I had a normal life before all of the monsters and stuff, but I really didn't.

I had a parent a while ago, but I ran away after hearing them complain about how I was nothing but problems. Didn't really stick around to find out what they were whining about after that. Stole some cash, snacks, clothes, and left.

I just kind of set off with no intention on where I was going. The only thing guiding me was a feeling directing me somewhere which felt stronger at night for some reason unknown to me.

There was also a feeling of someone watching me at almost all times. It made using the bathroom a little weird, but it didn't bother me too much. It definitely should have, but I was more worried about survival.

I didn't exactly like to steal, but I only did it to people who seemed like they could afford a few missing dollars.

I was less than cautious a lot of those times, so I'm surprised I wasn't caught once.

There was one time where I thought I was caught; the person I was trying to steal some cash from whipped around to look at me. I expected them to yell or to grab me, but their eyes just kind of glazed over until I left with around $50 from his wallet.

I was a lot more careful after that.

After a while, I had no idea how long, I made it to New York.

I was finally where this feeling wanted me to be, or I was closer, at least.

The Empire State Building looked a little weird to me, but I played that off as a trick of the light and traversed the streets.

I got a few glances because of my less than stellar clothing, or maybe it was the knife attached to my hip, either way, New Yorkers are excellent at minding their own business so they didn't bother me too much.

Something felt off to me.

Maybe it was the exhaustion, maybe it was the hunger, maybe it was the football sized rats that ran by my feet every now and then.

I made my way over to a bench and dropped down onto it, wincing from the pain in my legs.

Civilians walked past as if I didn't exist, their eyes becoming blank as they walked by the bench. I was too tired to question this and took my backpack off, placing it next to me and placing my head atop it.

Magic In the Air| The Lightning Thief Male Reader Insertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن