Falling in love (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 2)

Start from the beginning

It wasn't healthy how possessive he was being, he knew so, but unable to do something else he had gripped onto that and refused to let go. He might only let himself think it, never act on it in fear of scaring away Namjoon, but still thinking it.

"Come back to bed." Jungkook was lying on his front in his birthday suit, looking at Namjoon with a sultry grin on his face.

It had only been 20 minutes since they had finished what Jungkook liked to classify as mind-blowing sex. Part of him, the possessive one couldn't stop himself from wondering if Namjoon could still feel the cum leaking out of him.

It was one of Jungkook's favourite views of Namjoon, post-sex, still naked and cum dripping down high thighs. They had stopped using condoms over a year earlier as both had agreed to not sleep with others and had gotten tested.

Not that Jungkook would ever admit to the fact that he hadn't slept with anybody else Since he first met Namjoon. For him, there had been no reason to. Jungkook liked to call himself hypersexual, he had never been able to just settle for one person, it was simply too boring and after a few months he would find his mind starting to wonder, that was always a sign that it was time to break up before he did something stupid like cheat.

He had never felt that while being with Namjoon, maybe it was because Namjoon didn't expect him to be monogamous, that he didn't judge Jungkook for looking at other people, or maybe it was just Namjoon himself that was like a lamp to Jungkook's inner moth.

Namjoon's eyes rested over Jungkook, and for a moment it seemed as if he would actually come to bed with Jungkook, leaving behind his work, as his mind distracted him with exactly what it was Jungkook was offering him.

Until he shook his head, trying to clear his mind "I can't baby, just let me finish this and then I can come back to bed."

Jungkook pouted, and he could almost physically see Jungkook's decision waver as he wanted to give in to Jungkook. It was a change from their early relationship, where Jungkook could actually believe that Namjoon wanted to finish work, but now he had to force himself.

"Okay, I leave you be, but only if you promise to tell me more of the story." he wiggled his eyebrows while resting his head on his arms. Both of them knew what story it was that he was talking about. It was the book Namjoon really wanted to write but never gave himself enough time to.

It was a genuinely good story, and while Jungkook very much had alternative motives, he also really loved listening to the older man talk about it. Jungkook really tried to make Namjoon feel like his story was something he could and should spend more time on.

Nowadays, when Namjoon was talking about the story or having sex seemed to be the only times that Namjoon managed to get out of his head and not focus on whatever was stressing him out. So Jungkook did his best to make sure that happened as much as possible

For a second Namjoon seemingly wanted to argue about it, but then a soft smile formed on his lips "okay it's a promise. I might even show you something I doodled at work about it. If you do something for me."

"Oh?" All the dirty thoughts were competing in Jungkook's head for the most focus of all the disgusting, amazingly wonderful dirty and naughty things he could do for Namjoon "you know I would do anything for you... Daddy."

The word was not something that turned Namjoon on, more made him cringe. Which was absolutely part of the reason why Jungkook did it.

The visual cringe the older man did was worth everything, but the grin he gave Jungkook in return, making his eyes sparkle and his dimples show, stealing Jungkook's breathe away, was enough to show that maybe Jungkook was about to out manoeuvred on the chessboard of their conversion "anything?"

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