Without You

237 15 4

3rd Person POV 

"Welcome to CelebGoss FM. We're your hosts Adrian and Toby" Adrian says. 

"Our first topic today is of course yesterday's breakup of 'Tik Tok's Sweethearts' Hailee Steinfeld and Y/N Pender" Toby states.

"That's right guys our favourite Tik Tok couple announced their break up on the app yesterday and I bet you're wondering why"

"Well if you haven't seen the video yet then lets us summarise it for you" Both hosts look at their notes.

"Alright so in the video Hailee is sitting between Y/N's legs and he has his arms around her" Adrian says.

"Hailee is the first to speak in the video but she struggles to talk about it so Y/N takes over for her and says; 'we never thought we would have to make this video but because of the hate towards us it has taken a massive impact on our mental health, so we have decided to break up which is something we never wanted but it is for the best. We do want to thank all of you who did support us. We love you guys. We ask that you respect our personal space and privacy and that you don't blame either of us for breaking the other's heart. This isn't what we want but we have to put our mental health first. Stay strong, stay beautiful'" Toby finishes while Adrian shakes his head.

"I cannot believe that people hated on this couple. How can they think either of them are in it for something other than love? Like have they not seen the way these two look at each other? Their love is the kind from movies and fairy tales" Adrian says getting upset that his ship has sunk. 

"People who supported the couple have taken to make edits of Hailee and Y/N together with most of them wondering the same as you, how could people think those two were not in love?" Toby states. 

"In other news, people are reporting certain things losing colour" Adrian says changing the topic.

"I hope you never do leave me alone. The world would lose it's colour it's like losing Christmas"

"Yeah you guys heard him right. People have been saying that they see stuff slowly turning black and white. How weird is that?"

Hailee's POV

Yesterday was draining in everyway something can be draining. Y/N and I know that our decision is for the best even though it hurts so damn bad. I wish people could've just minded their own business, I love Y/N and he loves me, we didn't want anything but love from each other. I stretch and yawn hearing the shower running from across the hall. I look at the other side of the bed that lays empty before throwing on Y/N's pink panther hoodie and heading downstairs. My parents and Griffin are in the living room.

"How you feeling honey?" My mom asks walking over to me and pulling me into a hug.

"It hurts" I take a deep breath to stop the tears flowing "I love him so much. It was never meant to be like this" I cry into my mother's shoulder as she rubs my back. After a few minutes I start to calm down so Griffin speaks up.

"How is he taking it?" 

"Just as bad as I am" We hear footsteps coming downstairs and turn to look at Y/N who has his suitcase. He drops his suitcase at the bottom of the staircase and walks over to me wrapping his arms around me and kissing my head. I hug him tightly and he does the same. I cry into his chest and I know he is only being strong for me.

You're probably wondering what the fuck is happening. Y/N stayed the night after we broke up, we cuddled most of the night. We both know it will be hard to be apart and as I said the love we have for each other never left. 

-A few hours later, The Airport-

My family, Y/N and I have just arrived at the airport for him to get his flight. We're standing by his gate since he has to board soon so we have to say goodbye to him now. Griffin goes first, he goes to speak but he gets choked up so he just hugs Y/N. 

Santa Tell MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora