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Hailee's POV

I'm still reading my book as Y/N sleeps. It's been a few hours since he had fallen asleep so I had snuck out to get something from the vending machines to eat.

"Hailee" I look up from my book and see that Y/N is awake so I close my book.

"Yes?" He pushes himself to sit up.

"Can we go now?"

"The doctor has to discharge you before we can go" I run my fingers through his hair.

"Can you get the doctor?"

"Of course sweetie" He smiles before laying back down.

"Thanks Hailee" I smile back at him before leaving the room to get the doctor. Once I find the doctor we head back to the room to see Y/N thumb wrestling himself.

"Having fun there?" His head shoots up as he looks at me before blushing.

"How much of that did you see?"

"All of it" He groans throwing his head back with his hands on his face as I laugh. I leave the room so the doctor can do what he needs to do. After a few minutes the doctor leaves the room.

"He's okay to leave, remember what I said and here's his discharge papers" He hands me the papers.

"Thanks Doc" The doctor smiles and walks away so I go back into the room. Y/N looks over at me before looking back in his bag.

"What are you looking for?" I walk over to where I lay his clothes before handing them to him.

"Those" He smiles taking the boxers before disappearing under the covers. After about two minutes of a lot of groaning and get offs Y/N's head pops back out from under the covers.

"I can't get my boxers off so I can't get my clean ones on" He looks at me embarrassed.

"Do you need help?" He blushes before nodding.

"Do you want my help?" He nods before taking the covers off. Y/N gets out of the bed standing in front of me.

"Just don't look please"

"I won't I promise" He puts his hands on my shoulders as I start to pull them down making sure to keep looking up at him. I then help him put the clean ones on before he sits back on the bed. Y/N puts the rest of his clothes on before we leave the hospital and ride back to my hotel. I swipe the card and enter the room followed by Y/N who closes the door.

"Wow this is a big hotel room"

"The perks of being famous" I smile at him as he laughs before laying on the couch. I walk over to him tapping his arm.

"Come on the bed will be comfier"

"But you need the bed to sleep so I'll just sleep here"

"Y/N you are taking the bed. You just had surgery come on"

"I'm not taking your bed from you Hailee" I sigh this man is so stubborn.

"Then share it with me" He chokes on the water he was drinking.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Share the bed with me since your stubborn ass won't take it alone"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" I help him stand up and walk to the room before helping him lay down.

"See now isn't that better?" He looks up at me and smiles.

"Much better. Where's my bag?" He looks into the living room part of the room.

"By the couch I'll get it" I walk over and get his bag bringing it back over to him.

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