My Prince

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My prince hugged me tight,
He held me to his chest,
And promised to protect my fragile self.

My prince ran his hand through my hair,
And kissed my forehead time and again,
And said it is gonna be okay.

My prince rubbed my back,
And whispered sweet nothings,
To calm my wounded soul.
He expected me to say nothing,
He understood it all.

In that silence,
I broke down in his arms.
He hugged me tighter,
And I felt the safest, I ever was.

My prince,
Like a knight in shinning armour,
Kept a vigilant eye,
Scary enough to frighten,
The hell out of any guy.

He just let me cry and drain myself out.
He hummed a lullaby,
Just to tame my bruised soul.

His warm palm caressing my cheek,
Comforting my addled brain,
"It is gonna be alright my angel"
He said, "They are gone. And I am forever here to stay."

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