That night

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She said certain things she regrets

She said certain things she never meant.

It hurt his heart

and she was scared that now it was beyond repair.

She feared he'd be back

his dark Alter-ego.

She feared that the man she loved

would just disappear.

In his car she sat beside him

prepared for his rejection.

In his car she sat with bated breathe

building walls around her heart for protection.

But when he ticked YES on the YES/NO card

she took her first breathe of relief.

When smiled at the 'LET'S AVOCUDDLE'

for the first time in 3 days she felt happy.

And now she blushed imagining his reaction

when he sees the little red thing she had on

under that pink top.

That night in his car

for the first time she experienced desperation.

She needed that hug.

She needed that connection.

She needed his kiss to complete her

she needed his touch to fix her

she needed that eye contact to assure her.

Assure her that everything was fine.

Assure her that we are alright.

Throughout that kiss her eyes were wide open

trying to memorize his face.

Her fingers tracing his skin

to engrave it in her brain.

That night she felt him in her core for the first time

"I did not go deep," he said

"but why did it feel so?" she wondered.

Despite it being a painful, a stinging sensation

why did it feel so good?

Is this how couples make-up?

maybe that's how it works.

That night had a whole new meaning

is all she knows.

That what they shared

was so damn pure.

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