What If?

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I am lost

Waiting to be found.

I am trapped

And there is no one around.

The dark room bringing my fears to life,

I am alone,

My mind working overtime.

Thinking about the what-ifs,

Thinking about what the future holds,

How the things are gonna unfold.

What if he stops loving  me,

What if he changes his mind,

What if I change and he turns his back,

Or what if he changes or I get bored.

I can't have him returning to his old ways.

Because the new me,

Can't see him with bad habits,

A glass in one hand and/or a cigg.

I can't see him like that,

Thats my worst nightmare.

We need to keep it hot,

Keep the fire always alive.

We need to keep it adventurous & unpredictable,

Just like the Sagittarius style.

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