Chapter 8~ Natasha

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Natalia's POV

It's been two and a half years since HYDRA took Allison. I've tried everything to find her. I even try to sell myself back to the KGB just so they can find her. But then I realised that I would be stuck in that awful place again.

I've gotten a new friend. She's called Villanelle. Yes she's crackers, but she's helping me find her.

We've found a close location to where she could be, but it's a 50/50 chance that she's gonna be there.

I've kept my promise to Geraldine to keep in contact with her. She's moved to Italy to stay with me. She's also helping me find Allison.

I've now got a tattoo near my heart. It says some of the last words Allison said to me. I don't really like tattoos because they make me stand out to the enemies, but her words meant a lot to me.

I've got 'We'll meet again' tattooed on me.

"Sooo... You and this Allison girl. What was going of between you? Sisters, friends, relatives?... Relationship?" Villanelle asks.

"Don't say 'this Allison girl' like that again. She's just Allison. Not 'this Allison girl'. Get it right" i say giving her a death stare.

"Jeez. Sorry. You are very scary, I'll give you that" Villanelle says in her thick Russian accent.

"Hmm. Sorry. I'm just.. I'm just mad, angry and frustrated at the world for taking her, mad at me for letting her go." I say looking down letting a tear fall from my eye. I never show emotion to anyone because it will only hurt me, I've only ever cried and laughed infront of Ally. So V (villanelle) is very shocked that I am crying infront of her and apologising.

She goes to swipe my tears away but I move before she can reach me. If she touched my face she would only remind of when Allison did that all them times.

"Listen. Natalia-" V starts off with.

"It's Natasha. Natalia is my Russian KGB name. Natasha is my name now." I interrupt her.

"Fine. Natasha, you have to trust me enough to let us find Allison. If there is one thing I know is that if you trust someone enough to even let them know about the person you love most in this world, then you need to trust them to find them, and that trust has to come from you trusting me enough to know that I'm not just gonna walk away. Natasha your my only friend. If Allison is your main priority right now, then she is mine too." Villanelle speaks.

"Ok yeah. Yeah I know. It's just..." I sigh and continue
"It's just that every person I have ever trusted have either turned their backs on me, ratted me out, left me or sold me to some rando. Except Allison. She helped me when I was hurting, even though she was probably worse than me. But she still helped me through a tough time. We were supposed to kill each other, but there was something about her that made me want to save her. She looked to innocent on that battle field, like she didn't want to hurt anyone.

She helped me get away from Russia, my nightmares. We started off as enemies, went to trusting each other a tiny bit, then to friends, then best friends, then to girlfriends. I loved her with all my heart. I still love her." I ramble to Villanelle. She probably didn't care but I just had to get it off my chest.

"Well, I'm going to help you the best I can to find her. I promise you that." V says looking into my eyes. I smile and hug her.
"Thank you. Really. Thank you, I wouldn't be able to find her without you." I say into the hug.

"Uhhh, what about me?" Geraldine asks jokingly walking into the kitchen.

"Come here ma. You to. You've helped me so much to" I say hugging her.

"Wow. Don't get all sappy now Nat, I've got information about Allison."Geraldine says pulling away from the hug.

"Wait. Really. What information" I asked shocked.

"She's still in HYDRA and she's getting transported to the red room where you used to be. We will break her out of the security van and take her to my safe house in Mexico." Geraldine says looking me in the eye to tell me she's being serious.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's start packing then. I want to see my baby-" i say rambling while smiling so much my jaw her.

"However. There's a twist. We won't be able to break her out until February." Geraldine interrupts me.

"But that's in 11 months nearly a year." I say. My smile instantly goes and a frown appears on my face.

"Yes I know. But at least we've got more time to sort out a plan. We can't just go in there blindly."

I just sigh and nod knowing that she's right not wanting to argue with her.


So the cross over between Nat and villanelle. If you haven't watched Killing Eve I would highly recommend watching it because it is amazing.

Yes I know that Villanelle wouldn't of been an assassin at this time but it's just for the plot of the story.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

This was a shorter one because I was with my family for Christmas.

Merry (late) Christmas everyone!!

Hope everyone had a great day



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