•Chapter 5~ Breaking the rules.

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Allison's POV

I've been in this shit hole for around four months now. I've been writing each month on the wall to keep me 1% sane.

Just recently I've been having visions about this girl. I don't know who she is but she looks around 16 years old, has forest green eyes, red hair, and a black skin tight suit.

All I can remember of this mysterious woman is her smile. She has gorgeous white straight teeth. Me and this girl was running into the forest. We saw a cabin/hut with dust around the wind-

"Hey. YOU. IM TALKING TO YOU!" A buff man shouted, taking away my flashback.

"What?" I ask with a hint of venom in my voice.

"You do NOT speak to me like that. The boss wants to see you" he shouted and spat through the door.

I sighed and got up. The man grabbed my wrists so tight that they we're probably going to bruise, and hold them behind my back while he forces me to walk.

He walks me to a dark room that I have never been in before, pushed me onto the floor and spoke to the boss.

They were having an argument on whether to kill me or keep me.

"She should just be killed. She's worthless to us. She's useless and definitely not powerful." The agent said.

"You do not tell me what to do. We are keeping her. We are going to train her, brand her, then send her off to Dreykov" the boss gritted.

Dreykov. Dreykov. Where have I heard that name from?

"Stand up and sit on there" the boss venomously spoke pointing to a chair.

I sit down and get strapped down. The boss grabs an iron brand and heats it up. He walks over to me smirking evily.

He grabbed my forearm and rolls my sleeve up.

"Right little bunny, I'm going to brand you, so you can be mine forever" he says.

I try to squirm away but he just holds my arm tighter. The goon holds me down so the boss can get closer to me.

"This is going to hurt just a little bit" he laughs.

I stare at him and zone out. I zone out trying to think about that girl. She makes me feel safe for some reason. I don't know who she is but I will find ou-

"Ahhhhhh" I scream in agony when the hot iron hits my skin. He presses it harder on me. I can hear my skin sizzle from the heat creating a permanent mark.

He pulls the iron rod away and looks at it.

"Hmm. Pass me the ink. This isn't dark enough."

The goon passes him the ink and turns the needle on. I hear a buzzing sound, and feel the needle connecting to my arm. It doesn't hurt as much as the branding. It just feels like a cat is scratching me.

"All done sweetheart" he smirks.

I get un-strapped and get dragged up.

"Wait. Come here" the boss says

I get dragged to him. He looks me straight in the eye and asks
"Who's the redhead?"

"What?" I ask

"You heard me. Who. Is. The. Redhead?"

"I don't know what you mean" I answer.

"I can read your mind like an open book darling. I saw her earlier then again." He speaks.

I shake my head and he shouts

"I'm not" i say.

"You either tell me who she is, or it can go two ways. The first way is I track that little birdie down and torture her then kill her. Or I kill you"

"She was my girlfriend" I say looking down.

"I don't think we've fried her brain enough. Do you Alex?" The boss asks the goon who's name is Alex.

"No. I don't think we have. Let's do it again. But put it up to full power" he says scarily.

"Yes. Come on little bird"

"NO!" I exclaim and run away. The goon Alex chases after me and catches me.

"Right. You are gonna get a punishment now for running from Mr. Boss. No one runs away from him. NO ONE!" He exclaims.

He drags me back to the room and I try everything in my will to get out of his grip.

"Right what should we do to her?" The goon asks the boss.

"Beat her" the boss says.

The goon grabs me by my neck and smashes my head onto the metal table. I wobble back and fall down. The agent then kicks me multiple times in my stomach and spits on my face.

I wipe the blood running from my nose and mouth and attempt to stand up. The goon grabs me and pushes me in the chair.

"Right. That's one rule you broke. If you brake two more your dead" the boss says.

I just stare at him while he grabs the head thing and walks closer to me.

He places it on my head and slide the two head pads on my temples and puts something in my mouth to bite on.

He turns it on and my body starts to shake from the electricity. It goes on forever until I pass out.

I wake up in the chair and the boss looks at me.

"Ahh look who's awake"

I look around and notice I have been un-strapped from the chair.

"Stand." He demands.

I stand and his stares into my eyes.

"What's your name?"

"Allison McKenna"

"Where were you born and what year?"

"Ireland, 1985"

"Who's the redhead?"

"I have no idea who your talking about."

"Ahh. Good. It worked"


I haven't proof read this because i can't be arsed and im lazy as fuck.

I know this is shorter than expected but the next chapter will be longer.

Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!!

Have a good day/night guys!!

au revoir😁

My loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora