•Chapter one~ The battle

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Alison's POV


I get my diary out and start writing.

It's now 2000. It's been a few months since I started training more for the Ireland v Russian battle. Everyone is excited about it, except me and Liz. We're going out to fight tomorrow so I have to go to bed early to get more sleep so I'm more energised.

Today we picked out what weapons we want to use. I picked to pistol and the pack of knives.

I finish writing and put my diary back where it belongs. I switch my dim light off and go to bed.

                           ~Time skip~

I wake up to the sun blazing through my small window and get up. I brush my teeth quickly and go to the toilet, then I hop in the shower. The water was really cold and it stunk.

I get dressed into my suit which is a dark red skin tight suit with black stripes at the side. I put my combat boots on and plate my brown hair.

I make my way out of the rusty old room and head to the silent cafeteria. I see Liz and stand next to her.

"Hey" she whispers very quietly.

"Hey" I whisper back in the same tone.

We get our 'breakfast' which is a hard piece of brown bread with a warm glass of water. Why can't the shower be warm like this instead of cold, and the drinking water be cold like the shower?  This place really baffles me.

After everyone eats their breakfast, we all get our requested weapons and stand in a line next to the wall.

"Flint" our 'mother' says.

"Here" Flint says.



She checks to make sure everyone who should be here is lined up.

We call her our mother because she wiped our minds of our past real families. That's what people say. I can't remember being any younger than eight in this place so I don't know who to believe. Our 'mother' who tells us she brought us all up, or the rumours that are going around saying that she wiped out memories of our real families.

I don't know.

After we all get checked, we make our way outside and march to the ship and take our seats.  I sit across from Liz. We can't look at each other of we will get hit multiple times which I don't want.

We travel to France to a large field surrounded by trees and grassland. The travel takes around 18 hours. If we just went on a plane it would've taken much less time. But there's to many kids.

I stand on the grassy path and stare at the Russians. They all speak Russian to which I can understand because I got taught a lot of languages.

"вы начали эту войну. так что мы собираемся закончить его."
(You have started this war. So we are going to finish it) (I don't know if this is correct because I used Google translate so please just correct it in the comments if it wrong =))

I look around and spot a young girl with bright red hair with bits of blue at the bottom. I zone out and stare at her. I don't know but I'm just so drawn to her, her facial features, her posture, her hair. Everything. Our mother replies back in Russian with something on the lines of
"We may have started it, but you caused it"

After they stare at each other, our 'mother' shouts "charge". So we start running to the Russians.

The Russians start running towards us and fighting us. I don't want to kill anyone, but it's a life or death situation. I know I sound selfish but I would rather be the one killing than the one dying.

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