•Chapter 6~ Wanda

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I know Wanda comes in later in mcu but I'm using my own time line for a few chapters. Before you start saying 'oh no! I can't choose between Wanda and Nat' (that is deffo me) I've made it easy for you guys. Wanda is going to be sort of a sister to us.

I'm also going to add a time skip at the start for a year or two so the story doesn't drag on.


Allison's POV

29th December 2005
(Allison is 20)
(Nat is 21)

I've been in this shit hole of a place I call a 'home' now. Last year I was debating to escape this place and find a place to live. But I once saw a man try and escape and he got brutally stabbed and beaten. Yes he died. That night I finally felt one ounce of emotion. Fear. But from then on I've been getting my brain fried more. And I don't want to leave this place now. I love this place. I love the boss. I love the goons. I might even ask the boss to let me be a goon for him.

My powers have been increased massively, to the point where I have to blast a purple light out of my hands to get rid of the tingling sensation. The boss says that the way of my body adapting to my powers.

For the past 2 and a half years I've been in here I've had a neighbour. We talk through the vent and help each other out. She's quite boring to be fair but I have nothing else to do. Her name is Chloe. She told me she has bright orange hair with green/blue eyes. I've never seen her before. The guards only let people train with each other if they have the same power. She has stretchy arms, I have telekinesis, energy manipulation, mind control, mind manipulation. So basically to put it in short words I have telekinesis,I manipulate different energy levels, I can move people and things, and I can read peoples thoughts, talk to them through their heads. I'm a freak.

A few days later.

Today I got told that I was having a new roommate. Roommate. I thought HYDRA didn't let other people share someone else's 'room'. Though the boss says there's no more rooms. I just think that he wants me to mess up so he can kill me because he knows I can kill him. Whenever I'm training he is never in the room with me. But he is with other people. Pussy.

I killed a guard once because I was training and they made me jump. Shouldn't have made me jump then the fucker wouldn't be dead simple as.

I get out of my 'bed', brush my teeth, get dressed and head to the training room.

When I enter the room I feel a rush of energy hit me so I look into it and see a girl with brown hair, red eyes and a beautiful face. She looks back like she knows I'm looking at her.

She walks through the door to where I'm standing and looks at me. There isn't many people in this room because they aren't as powerful as me.

"Hello." She says reaching her hand out to shake mine.

I look at her hand and shake it. I nod at her and walk away.

Is she the one sharing my room? If tries to attack me i will kill her. I wont let anyone hurt me.

I go to the training mat and start blasting my powers out while levitating.

The girl comes over to me and looks me up and down.

"Wow. Your powerful" she says.

I can't tell if that's sarcasm or honesty.

"Im not being sarcastic" she says through my head.

I look at her in shock and talk back to her through our thoughts.

"You can read minds?" I ask


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