•Chapter 4~ Emotionless

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Allison's POV

"We will meet again. I don't know when, but we will. We're soulmates remember. Soulmates always find each other again. I promise with my heart that I will find you again. Ok" I say crying a little too.

She nods.
I take her head in my hands and kisses her lovingly.

"Remember that kiss. I love you baby"

"I love you too" she sob.

I walk out and put my hands up in the air and gets dragged away.

I mouth 'I love you'. That makes her cry even harder.

The HYDRA agents grab me by my arms and the scoff of my neck. They shove me in the car and slam the car door.

The agents get in the car and start talking. I pay no attention to them and zone out until they mention Natalia.

"What should we do with the redhead?" One of them asks.

"Leave her be, we only needed one of them anyway. If we got both of them we would have to kill one of 'em. Which would cause more time for us to waste." The buff guy replies.

I'm glad it's just me who they caught because they would've killed one of us if it was the both of us. If I got killed Natalia would be angry,sad or even worse depressed. And if Natalia died then I would to on the inside.

I must've zoned out during the ride because the car stops and the door opens.

"Get out" The buff one demands.

I get out and take in my surroundings. There's a large black building that is well hidden and a lot of trees surrounding the building.

The agents walk up to a black rusty gate and open it. The tall skinny one pushes me through the gate and tell me to walk to the main entrance of the building.

The agents step in-front of me and open the big black door. The door opens with a loud creak. They close it with a loud bang.

When I enter the building everything is dark except the odd dim light on the wall. The atmosphere is eerie and mysterious. The room smelt like dampness like when a dog comes into a house when it's raining and shake off it's fur. There's a light buzzing sound from the dim, yellow light.

They walked to a cell like door and opened it with a struggle. As I stepped into the little room I could hear the screams of people being tortured or killed. I'm the room there were many brown doors with different numbers on them. The agents led me to a door that had the number 7065 on. They opened the door up and pushed me inside. I guess this is now my room.

The walls were filthy, it smelt of shit, the floor was stone with dried blood on, there was one little light, one little window, there was a vent that I guess led to the room next to mine, there was a toilet with a small sink with a sponge next to it. This room makes my old room back in Ireland look like a palace.

"This will be your room. You can not leave with out asking, getting told to or getting experimented on. If you leave without those rules you will get punished, if you break the other rules, and disobey us then you will get punished, if you break these rules more than three times then you will get killed. You understand"
The buff man said in his deep voice.

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