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james hetfield

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james hetfield

james hetfield

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He can't stand her. He has to fight back vomit whenever she walks in the room. Her stupid brown curls that jump around with every step she takes, the way she stomps her feet on the floor or punches something when she's laughing hysterically.. the way she peels the skin off her lips until they bleed when she's upset.. he hated the stupid camera she'd carry around. Most of all, he hated that he couldn't stop thinking of her. He didn't understand why she wouldn't leave his mind.

She was like a light switch that someone was flicking up and down just to annoy him. When the light was on, a sliver of him liked her, but then it quickly shut back off as he'd push those thoughts to the back of his mind. But then the light would come back on not a second later, then back off, then on, then off...

 But then the light would come back on not a second later, then back off, then on, then off

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anneliese buckley

or whoever you'd like to picture

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or whoever you'd like to picture.. just be aware that there is references of her brown hair and eyes.

She however, couldn't understand his mind. One minute he'd be looking down at her with the softest eyes and the next he'd be glaring daggers at her from across the room. She couldn't understand the way his brain worked, and she knew he wouldn't dare let anyone know. He was a diary with a lock on it that he kept hidden under his bed. She wanted so badly to solve the mystery of James Hetfield.

To her, he was like a wet sock. A wobbly table. An itchy sweater. He was a brainless musician who didn't care for anything but guitars and beer. She hated how he'd always stare at her from the corner of the room with his arms crossed. How he'd always be drunk out of his mind, torturing her with his assholery.

She came to San Francisco to get away from assholes like him; like her father too, but unfortunately she just had to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Maybe it wasn't so wrong after all.

Maybe it wasn't so wrong after all

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"You ever think about how we could've met differently?"

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"You ever think about how we could've met differently?"

"Like.. by not hating each other?"


"No, not really. I have fond memories, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Disclaimer: when I started this book, I made the first few chapters really short, for whatever reason. I promise they get longer further into the book. James doesn't come in until like the fifth chapter.. idk why I did that.. sorry

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First Love | James HetfieldWhere stories live. Discover now