Her whole body ached, and a soreness radiated from between her legs as she quietly slipped from between the sheets. She quickly grabbed her dressing gown, making sure it was secured before she snuck from her chambers.

The halls were dark and empty, no servants scattered around and no guards stood at their post. The entirety of the Red Keep was in mourning. It was eerie how quiet it was, the only sound Elowen could hear was her own footsteps. As if her body was not her own, Elowen found herself before a familiar pair of doors.

It had been only two days ago she had been running late and had ran into the room excited to see her dearest friend. Elowen's hand reached out, pressing against the cold wood of the door. She briefly considered opening the doors, but quickly decided against it. She had no idea if the room had been cleaned, and she didn't want to risk seeing the scene of Aemma's murder again. If she closed her eyes Elowen could still see the fear and betrayal clear in Aemma's eyes as her husband ordered her death, holding her down as she was cut open.

At the thought of the King's cruelty, Elowen's eyes turned to the nearby doorway. Her mind seemed to clear as her feet carried her to the door. She nodded to the King's Guard standing watch. As he pushed the door open the knight announced her. "Lady Elowen Redfort, Your Grace."

Viserys looked up from where he sat hunched over his stone model of Old Valyria. Quickly pocketing whatever had been in his hand, the older man's face morphed into one of surprise as he stood up. "Elowen?"

"I wished to speak with you, Your Grace," Elowen's eyes darted to a chair opposite of Viserys, realizing Rhaenyra's companion sat there. Alicent's hair had been twisted up, exposing her slender neck and making her appear more mature. As Elowen realized what was happening, her eyes darted between the young teen and the King, a man who was seven years Elowen's senior. "Alicent, would you give His Grace and I a moment to speak, I have something private I wished to discuss."

Alicent's eyes were wide as she jumped to her feet and rushed from the room, hastily wishing the King goodbye.

"What can I do for you, Elowen?" Viserys asked, curious as to what his wife's companion could need from him.

"May I speak plainly, my King?" Elowen asked now that they were alone. The hem of her dressing gown brushed against the stone floor as she moved further into the room. Her finger trailing along the edge of the table that the stone model sat upon as she met the King in the middle of the room.

"Elowen, after your many years of service to my family and your close relation to my wife I would hope you know you could say anything to me." Viserys spoke, smiling kindly at his late wife's cousin.

"Are you happy?"

"Excuse me?"

"With your choice?" Elowen clarified. "Are you happy?" At Viserys' surprised stare Elowen continued. "I was there when you ordered Aemma to be cut open. I watched as you helped hold her down while she begged for you to help her."

"I did not have my wife killed." Viserys seethed. "It was a difficult decision to make, not one that I would expect you to understand. It is a wife's duty to provide an heir, I need an heir to secure my line and protect the realm. It was a difficult choice but I believed it to be necessary."

"I understand plenty, Your Grace. However, I would have made the choice to save my wife. The woman I claimed to love! That I swore in the eyes of the Seven I would protect!"

"I could not allow Daemon to be king, he would beggar the realm. It is my duty as King to have a male heir."

"And what of your duties as a husband?" Elowen stepped closer, raising her voice as she met Viserys's ire and settled a harsh glare on him.

"If you need the next Targaryen to sit the Iron Throne to come from your line so badly, you should have considered your daughter. Rhaenyra has been your Cupbearer for years. The people of the realm adore her. Have her as your heir."

"And start a civil war? Think for a moment, Elowen," By this point the two stood toe to toe. If either had taken a deep breath their chests would have touched. "I did what I had to do for the sake of the kingdom and I lost both of them. Aemma was my wife and Baelon was my son, so tell me again what you would've done given the choice to try and save one, Lady Redfort?"

All was silent for a moment as both of them took in the space left between them. The tension drained from them, as their grief flooded back.

"You took her from me," Elowen whispered, tears welling in her eyes. "My dear cousin is gone all because of you and your need for an heir!" Elowen's hand slapped Viserys' chest as her anger returned, mixing with her grief until it was a churning sickness.

Viserys caught the wrist of the hand that had landed on his chest, holding it tightly as he caught the other. "I'm sorry. And I shouldn't have said that to you."

And with that Elowen's resolve crumbled, collapsing into a fit of tears against his chest. Viserys held her close as his own tears clouded his eyes and he moved the two of them to an empty chaise in the corner of the room.

"It's hard to believe she is gone. She was just here."

"I know, I know. I regret it so much."

And though both felt that they were missing a piece of themselves where Aemma used to be they found that the vacancies in the other almost filled their own hole.

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