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"baby" Jungkook called. he smiled handing me a drink "I love you"

what kind of love may that be? I could almost laugh at my thoughts while he innocently gawks at my eyes. I hated parties, not because of the idiotic things that people do when drunk, but it only becomes funny whenever he's with me "really?"

"yes" he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek, the darkness hugged everything around us but there was enough light to show his face. his eyes softly touched my heart "I'm sorry for everything"

I knew Jungkook was acting out of character for a while now. it bothered me whenever he would be a good man to me because he wasn't, it drew me in more every time he tried to stop himself from those bad habits, it hurts me to think that he's trying; to be someone worthy of me.

we're not worthy of each other. I'm nothing better than him and once he does find out about what I had done to him, who knows what will happen to me, and Taehyung. I met his friend at a party and we had something going on after that, years have passed since, and he's still clueless

he held me in his arms, it was soft and warm, I accepted it. I have to let go, I need to let go because it is clear enough that we're not for each other. I love someone else "Jungkook, I-"

"shh, let's just stay like this for tonight, please" he begged, swaying me to the soft music blooming in my ears. his words touched my chest. it makes me think that he knows what's going on, but he's not ready to hear it yet

I rest my cheek on his shoulder smelling his lovely perfume that I always loved, my eyes sting with the ache on my chest. this man that I'm holding is my first love, the man that I loved despite the pain I get in return, and the man staring at me from over his shoulder, is my greatest love. my last love.

Kim Taehyung gave me that look with his jaw clenched while leaning against a wall, he purposely ignores Park Jimin talking to him because his eyes are on me. his lips curved for a displeased frown "I changed, and I'm still changing" Jungkook said

"I love you" he whispered

I laughed "what a foolish love." Just to see Taehyung staring at me, unable to smile as he watched the scene in front of him

I don't want him to feel that way "Jungkook."

the game is over, I've suffered with him for years loving the idea of attachment. trying to amend for the mistakes I have done "Jungkook, I need to.." 

someone spoke behind me, I pushed him away and turned to Jin, he beamed at me "well, hello there. it's nice to see you with Jungkook for once" he spoke maliciously obviously talking about something else  "are you having fun?" 

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