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        "I love you

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        "I love you."

"are you alright?" Niki asks me as I lay down on the couch, my mind was playing that tragic incident over and over again "I guess not"

I remind him "don't do that again, you like causing scenes a lot" he scoffed and ran a hand through his hair "if I haven't stopped him, then what would you do?"

I glanced at him and pursed my lips, I've always hated how primitive he could be in situations like these "how far do I have to go to feel like I'm enough"

He sat on the space I gave him and pursed his lips "you're enough. does he make you feel worthless?" and perhaps I do feel like that sometimes

whenever I think about my stupid young decisions with him I feel like it was pretty deluding to think that it was an innocent and pure love

I couldn't even properly love him back then

Niki stands in front of me, the wind coming from the half open window cascades over his well defined face and brushes against his hair delicately "the eyes are the loneliest creation God ever made"

he looked at me with a sad face "you look ugly when you're sad" I almost frowned from his crude words when another soft whisper follows
"love looks pretty on you"

And to think that he was there when I fell in love all over again, there when he promised to be a better man for me, there when he held me in his arms, and there when we would have bad days together

He saw everything between us

"Niki" tears started to drip in my eyes as he leans over and lets me hold him in my embrace, I tightly wrap my arms around him and sob loudly

I want to get out of this situation, I can't handle this anymore

I never knew crying in his embrace would feel so light and comforting "I'm here" he says in a consoling voice as he waits for me to calm down "Noona, it's alright"

It's stupid. I shouldn't care. We're not a couple. We're just two lost people trying to find track again. But, if I'm honest, his reaction stung.

The incident itself felt like a rejection. I suppose I'm not supposed to care, just let him walk and come back whenever he pleases wouldn't be that hard

But deep down inside, I knew that it wasn't

I settled down a bit when I saw Sunoo peaking a little, I sniffled and shoved Niki away "what the fuck are you looking at?" I ask the curious man

"why are you crying?" he asked in a worried tone and approached us, Niki sighs and glares at him "could you mind your own business? you smelly douche bag-"

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