|| 22: relief ||

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Kathy felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders as Willow left reluctantly. Don't get her wrong , she loves Willow, with her whole heart, but she needed to unleash her plan before she changed her mind.

After waving her off, Kathy rushed back inside to get ready. It was around 9pm, as to be expected, Willow never wanted to leave a sleepover.

As Kathy brushed out her hair and started to pull it back she reflected on the time she'd spent with Eddie. She started to doubt herself, was he worth it? Stop it, Kathy. She shook her head.

She would not let herself walk away from this. Worst case scenario, she'd get rejected and nobody would know except him, her, and probably Willow.

She rubbed her face, completely devoid of any makeup. She did not want to completely embarrass herself by having eyeliner run down her face as she inevitably cries. Kathy looked herself in the mirror one more time before changing.

She knew it looked lazy, but she stayed in his shirt. Maybe it would get her pity points in the long run. She even debated keeping her pajama pants on, but eventually decided on jeans.

Lacing up her converse she could feel her palms sweat with nervousness. She was terrified, and rightfully so. She prayed to anyone that would listen that he wasn't just pranking her, that this wasn't just some massive ploy to embarrass her.

She threw on a scruffy cotton jacket. It was her dads that he'd given her, it was old as hell but it did the job well. Sighing Kathy braved herself for the journey to the trailer park, fuck were her feet going to bleed.


Kathy had walked past the entrance once, twice , three times since her arrival. She was arguably shitting her pants, cold shivers running down her spine, an uncomfortable match with the sweat on her hands.

The dirty-blonde hits herself in the head. "Come on, Kathy. You can do this, he's just a stupid boy." Kathy squinted, not trusting her own words but acting in them anyway.

She walked through the gravel on the road, not her smartest move, to Eddie's trailer. It was too late to turn back now. Kathy stood outside the trailer now, much more menacing than when she'd slept over before.

She held her breath and shyly knocked on the door. Kathy had never regretted a decision more in her life than coming here, she felt totally hopeless.

The door opens, and Kathy is met with an unfamiliar face. "Can I help you, girl?" Wayne Munson. Eddie had told her about him before, though she'd never formally met the old man.

"Hello, Mr Munson. I'm Kathy." She feigned joy as she held out her hand.
"Oh." He spoke softly. "I'm so sorry." Kathy turned her head in confusion. Her face must've reflected her thoughts as he continued.

"That stupid boy told me everything. I feel for you, sweetheart." He held his hand to his heart, the man's words not matching his rough appearance. Kathy gave him a sad smile, she appreciated his words.

"I have to ask, what the hell are you doing here?" Wayne questioned. Kathy didn't blame him, she'd be just as confused as he was.
"Actually, I'm here to talk to Eddie." This time her smile was awkward as she looked at the old man and then at the gravelly ground.

"He's a good boy, I know that. But he royally fucked up, I ain't soft. If you choose to forgive him, I'll be eternally grateful. You made him so much happier." Wayne explained. It nearly brought a tear to Kathy's eye.

She made him happier? She thought only he could have that effect. Did he need her as much as she needed him? "Do you know where he is?" The girl asked, filled with a new found faith.

"I'm his van." Wayne smiled at Kathy. Then he slowly closed the door, and Kathy was alone again. She smiled, this is it she told herself.

She'd never felt so nervous in all her life, so devastated, so excited. All of these different emotions hit her like a truck. Please let him still be into me.

Kathy approached the beat up van, she remembers back to the times she'd been in that van, and the assistance she'd needed to get in and out. The girl smiled to herself, fuck she loved him.

Carefully she knocked on the back of the vans doors and took a step back. A few beats of silence went by, and Kathy began to lose hope he's even heard her, when finally the door swung open.

"Jesus, what?" He was rubbing his eyes, he'd probably fallen asleep. She laughed at his disheveled appearance, that's what made him open his eyes.

They were wide, as if he'd seen a ghost. His jaw was practically on the floor for a few seconds as he was stunned to silence, then he spoke up. "K-Kathy?" He stuttered out in disbelief.

"Present." She said comically, maybe it was the nervousness putting her in such a playful mood, if she didn't laugh she'd cry.

"Um- why are you here? Not that I don't want you here- but- y'know it's just a big shock!" Eddie rambled on. He basically shat himself at the sight of her, if he was being honest he thought she was gonna slap him.

"I'm here to accept your apology." Kathy replied, her lips forming an awkward line as she watched the boy squirm. He face returned to that stunned expression, again returning to silence.
"Why?" He finally spoke breathlessly.
"Because I miss you Eddie!" Kathy revealed frustratedly.

"I know your an asshole and I don't deserve to be treated like shit but you never treated me like shit Eddie! You were always so nice to me, so lovely. I don't care that you got paid, it was real to me. If you meant what you said you'll have me back to make it up to me."

She was crying now, hot tears contrasting with the cool of the night. Eddie was again in disbelief, but embraced his girl nonetheless. "I'm so sorry, Kathy." Eddie spoke softly on her ear, joking her in sobbing.

"I will never keep anything from you again, I love you too much to do that." He laid his head in the crook of her neck, quietly soaking her scruffy jacket.

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY || EDDIE MUNSONWhere stories live. Discover now