|| #9: best friends again ||

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It had been a few days since Kathy and Eddie's last outing, and now it was Thursday. Kathy'd talked to him in the halls and stuff, trying to get the most out of the small intervals they had between classes. She felt bad keeping him a secret, so this was her way of subtly making it up to him.

Kathy still hadn't talked to Willow, opting to go to the library at lunch and break instead of the cafeteria. Eddie had offered her a seat at the Hellfire Club table, but she refused. She didn't want to see the dirty looks Willow would give her from across the room otherwise.

Eleven had pestered her to make up with her best friend, claiming that 'now she had nobody.' Only if her sister knew that the Hellfire Club leader had been keeping her company.

After school on Thursday, Eleven and Kathy got a ride home from Billy. He'd taken the sisters home everyday since Willow and Kathy's argument, which was nice for Eleven and Max.

It meant they got to see each other just that much longer, sometimes the redhead would even stick around and sleep over. If she was being honest, Kathy envied the girls. She wanted her friend back, and regretted running off in the first place.

When Kathy finally reached the comfort of her bed, eager to take a nap, her phone rang loudly from her night stand. She assumed it was Eddie, and eagerly picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Kathy's spoke to the phone.
"Um, hey Kath." The hesitant and familiar voice of her best friend replied. Kathy was considering hanging up, but she swallowed her nerves and forced out her response.

"Hey, Low." The dirty blonde said simply.
"Look- I was wondering if we could maybe, talk? Maybe over a milkshake?" Willow rambled nervously.

Again, Kathy wanted to decline and never speak to the girl ever again out of pure embarrassment, but she couldn't turn down a milkshake.

"Uh, yeah, ok. I'll get dressed now. See you in 20?" Kathy asked, and Willow accepted before hanging up the phone. Kathy threw on some leggings and a plain shirt. She didn't want to get all dressed up, she wasn't in the mood, especially if this ended in a screaming match.


The walk there felt long and drawn out. The Hopper girls hands felt clammy as she wiped them over her thighs. She couldn't lose her best friend to a stupid t-shirt.

After what felt like an eternity, Kathy arrived at Lorna's. She felt like she could vomit as she was met with the face of Fred Benson at the counter.

"Hey Kathy!" He welcomed joyfully, obviously not seeing the shade of green that coated Kathy's face.
"Hey, Freddy." She greeted in a strained voice.

"What can I get for you?" He asked politely. He was one of the reasons this was one of her favourite places in Hawkins. He was always so kind, even if it was his job.

"One white chocolate, and one banana, please." She ordered. Willow adored banana milkshakes, and so did Kathy, so the girls would often steal sips from each other's drinks.
"Am I expecting a certain Fraser girl today?" He asked while starting to prepare the milkshakes.

"Yeah." Kathy breathed out like she was dreading it. She'd assumed he'd seen what happened, or at least heard about it because he didn't push the subject and instead nodded in acknowledgement.

Kathy toddled over to her and Willow's favourite booth. They'd exchanged so many secrets, random stories and copied each other's homework in that booth. It was full of memories that Kathy cherished. She hoped that they could work through this.

It was then that Kathy heard the bell go, meaning someone had entered the milkshake bar. The person in question didn't need to look around, and placed them self right in front of Kathy.

"Hey." The dark haired girl said.
"Hi." Kathy replied bluntly.

"Kath- look, I'm so sorry. I completely embarrassed you in there. It was totally not cool and I feel so bad. I miss you so, so much and I don't want to lose my friend over a stupid mistake." Willow rambled, then it was Kathy's turn.

"No, Willow, I'm sorry. I lied to you and got exposed so I ran away. I should've just told you straight up where I was and nothing would've happened. I'm so sorry, Low." Kathy profusely apologised.

This went on for some time. One girl would apologise, then the other, until they'd burned through 1 1/2 milkshakes. Eventually, Willow decided enough was enough. "We were both in the wrong, can we agree on that?"

"Yeah, ok." And the girls shook pinkies. There was a beat of silence after that. The girls had been separate so long they didn't know what to talk about first.

"I was with Eddie Munson." Kathy spoke finally. Willow's eyes head shot up from her milkshake at her words.
"Hellfire, cultist, hangs out with freshman, Eddie Munson?" Wow. Every insult was another slap in the face to Kathy.

"He's not a cultist, Low. He's actually a really great guy once you get to know him." The dirty blonde complimented her metal head friend. She couldn't not defend his honour, especially after last their arcade... outing? Definitely not a date.

"Really? I always thought he hated people like us." Kathy furrowed her brows at her friends comment, so Willow continued. "The popular crowd. My ex-boyfriend is Steve 'The Hair' Harrington."

"Ex-boyfriend!?" Kathy yelled. Had they finally broken up?
"Yeah, about that. I had to break up with him, it was awful, but the guilt was starting to get to me. I've been sitting outside and stuff for lunch since."

Kathy's heart sunk. She'd been avoiding Willow, thinking she had company when she was all alone. "So, you said you had your eyes on someone else. Made any moves yet." Kathy could guess who that 'someone else' was, but she didn't want to push Willow over the edge.

"No, I think I'd just make a fool of myself if I did." Willow admitted while scratching her neck.
"Anyone would be lucky to have you, Willow. Besides, if someone is stupid enough to reject you I'll always be here, with a half-drunk banana milkshake in hand." Kathy smiled up at her friend while grabbing at her hand.

Willow was safe with Kathy, and the Hopper girl needed to get that point across.

"Yeah, yeah, you big sap. What's things with devil boy?" Willow changed the subject while giggling.
"Really good, actually. I'll be honest, I thought it was a joke. Y'know, when isn't it with me? But he's just been like- the best. He's nice, he's funny, he's very pretty. He's like my second best friend, y'know."

"Sounds like more than a best friend to me, Kath." Willow smirked while taking a final sip of her second milkshake. Kathy blushed at her words. She considered them instead of replying.

Kathy realised that she really liked Eddie. She needed to be with him like like lungs needed air. But could she trust him? Fuck, romance is complicated.


a/n this chapter is dog shit but the girls are back together!! I'm also disappearing for a week lol sorry 😜😜😜 I'm like 99.9% I won't be posting for the next 7-9 days so have fun with this awful chapter!!! Byeee love you all thanks for reading!!

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