|| #1: boys and milkshakes ||

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Kathy tried to get every last drop of her milkshake before she was forced to throw it out. It was her favourite, white chocolate, and the very thought of having to throw the treat away pained her.

A few hours earlier she'd gone out with her best friend, Willow Fraser after a horrible day at school. She'd totally bombed her history test and wasn't ready to tell her dad straight after school and make her day even worse.

Her outing with Willow was nice, except for when a few jocks had hit on the both of them at Lorna's, Kathy's favourite milkshake place. After that the pair had decided to call it a night and go home.

The girl had never understood why boys did that. At least come up with something creative, y'know? 'Hey, why don't we get it on in the back of my van?' Isn't exactly compelling.

Kathy had dated before, but it'd never ended well. Her last breakup tore her apart, so she'd sworn off dating. She didn't know for how long. Until college? Until she got a job? Until she died? She'd never really given it any though.

She just knew she couldn't let herself date.

The teen wished she could save her sister from that same fate. Kathy had warned El, of course she had, how couldn't she after what had happened to her. The freshman never listened though, 'he'd never hurt me, Kath.' The older girl hoped that her sister was right.

As if on cue, she heard a timid knock on the other side of her bedroom door. It couldn't be her father, so she welcomed her younger sister with a simple "come in."

Eleven trudged past the dirty clothes, scattered books and empty milkshake cups on the floor straight to her sisters bed. "How was school?" The freshman asked, beaming at her sister.
"Awful, had a history test that I totally failed." Kathy complained. "You?"
"Today was good." The younger sister explained simply.

"Good." The sisters never had lengthy conversations, they just enjoyed each other's company. After a few minutes of silence apart from Kathy obnoxiously slurping the remains of her milkshake, Eleven broke the silence.

"If a someone asked you out, how would you want them to?" Kathy was stunned. Her sister usually avoided the touchy subject. Still, she offered her a reply.

"I don't know, it'd have to be creative I think, especially if I didn't know them. Not public though, that's embarrassing." The senior had definitely been dreaming of someone asking her out in the most romantic way possible, she'd never admit it though, her rules were strict. "Why are you asking me this, El?"

"I don't know." El replied quickly, almost too quickly... "We never talk about this stuff."
"But you have a boyfriend?" Kathy replied confusedly.
"You don't." The younger girl stated. That was enough to make Kathy move to kick her sister out of her room. Before she could act though, her sister cut her off. "I'm just saying it could be good for you Kathy!"
"Get out of here, El!"

Eleven was clearly angry that her sister wasn't listening to her, but nonetheless she left her alone. Kathy hated to admit she was right, she wanted someone, someone genuine, but she'd never find someone like that because someone like that didn't exist.

That was Kathy's final thought before she locked her door, changed into her favourite pyjamas, grabbed her newest book and read herself to sleep.


The next day Willow had given her and Eleven a ride to school. Every time her dad took her to school he'd do something embarrassing and she'd end up mortified every single time.

"I wish you didn't live on like, the other side of town." The brunette complained jokingly.
"I'm sorry, but I can't have my dad take me to school again, last time he forced me to announce to the whole of Hawkins High that I loved him!" Kathy was embarrassed even recalling that memory, and she could feel the heat rush to her cheeks, but the girl beside her laughed loudly and she could hear the giggles of her sister behind her.

The trio arrived at the school, Eleven walking straight to Mike, not bothering to say a goodbye. Kathy brushed it off as their squabble last night. The remaining two girls then walked arm in arm through the entrance, chatting about this and that waiting for classes to begin.

"How's things with you and Steve?" Kathy asked. She didn't like to know about the whole relationship thing, it made her jealous, but she knew she couldn't just ignore it.

"It's going." The girl beside her grimaced
"What happened, Low?"
"It's nothing- I just- I don't know if I like him anymore." This confused Kathy. She'd been practically drooling over Steve months before he'd asked her out. Why was she having a sudden change of heart?

"Do you know why?" The dirty blonde questioned.
"Got my eyes on someone else, Kath." Before Kathy could ask who, the bell rang and they didn't have the same class.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Kathy thought out loud. Clearly happy she got out of that conversation, Willow wished her best friend goodbye before practically skipping to her first period, music.

Kathy groaned to herself before reluctantly walking to her first class of the day, calculus. Arriving at her desk, she noticed a note laying on it. It was far from neat, especially after opening it and discovering the messy handwriting addressed to her.

Dear Kathleen Hopper,

She cringed at her full name, it was so formal to her, she preferred Kathy or Kath.

Up for a treasure hunt?

Kathy raised an eyebrow at this, letting her blue eyes fall down the rest of the letter.

Go to the library the next chance you get. The next clue will be waiting for you with open arms if you can solve this riddle.

What do you call a guy with a shovel in his head?

This was not a riddle, but Kathy appreciated the effort. The joke was over told by her father, dad jokes the girl thought. Doug was the answer, Doug Greene, the head receptionist at the Hawkin's High library.

Suddenly the dirty blonde was excited to see what else she had to expect on her little adventure as she sat down and opened her textbook.


a/n this is actually so ass sorry 😭

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