• Chapter 3 •

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Chapter 3; ❛ Too late or too early? ❜

You're aware how blurry last night is, the events unclear, and waking on a couch unfamiliar to you, under any other circumstances, was a red flag. Your shake your head, yawning as your rub the sleep from your eyes.

That sleep you just had... Well, it's the best you had since you jumped into the big pit! Feeling as though you were close to remembering, you thought harder. Yes, you jumped and... Two weeks went by. You went swimming for food and--

You jump up, immediately looking for your roomates. "Sans? Papyrus?" You call softly, vaguely aware that not a single monster was outside, and this indicated it was late. Nothing. Not a single light was on, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't unsettled.

Sighing, your crack your neck, fingers and back before heading for the stairs. Your footsteps were muffled by the carpet, a soft sound that made you smile to yourself. Nostalgia came in a large wave, slapping you in the fact and stabbing you in the heart (or SOUL, as you'd heard it be called).

You recalled the times you'd done this at home, sneaking about and feeling so free to do what you wanted. You had become so lost in your own mind that when the stairs creaked under your foot, you near screamed. Biting it back, you place a hand to your chest, feeling your racing heart slow to a steady pace once more.

Holding onto the railing, you ascend the stairs, feeling more confident in your steps as you go. When you reached the top, you paused, listening out for any shuffling, any walking. Eerie silence. You're safe, you thought; your mind got away from you at times, coming up with such terrible scenarios at times that on the surface you'd hid in bed, scared.

Nothing here but your friends. Smiling, you kept going-- your destination was kind of unclear, but you think you wanted to go to the balcony. Why? Hell if you know, your brain just works like that.

You try it. It's jammed.

Frowning, you grit your teeth and ram your shoulder into it. It doesn't budge. You try again. And again.

Your shoulder begins to sting, but you keep going. A cool breeze, small and insignificant, tickles your skin. You're almost there, your brain coaxes, just one more...

Just as you go to throw yourself at it once more, a voice makes you flinch. "Whatcha doing, kid?" Spinning around, you flush a deep red at Sans, who watches you with suspicion. "God, this looks so bad..." You mumble, wringing your hands before you speak up, but only a little. "I uh, woke up and wanted to go stand on the balcony. The door wouldn't budge, so I..."

You gesture, and he sighs, shaking his skull. "Sorry if I woke you up..." Your tone held so much sorrow Sans's SOUL ached for you. "I was up before, I-- I can't sleep easy sometimes, heh." Although he says this with a laugh, you feel the urge to reassure him. Relate, even.

Beaming, you say "Oh yeah, I have difficulty sleeping sometimes too!" Before flashing an apologetic look; you'd forgot to be quiet, and Papyrus was still sleeping. You rock gently, dropping going to the balcony for something else. "Wanna hang out?"

Sans blinks at you, glancing back at his room. A pained look crosses his face, and you hasten to calm the storm brewing in that skull of his. "Like I said, my room on the surface is way worse, and I'm not gonna judge you for anything in there." It was already implied he didn't have to agree, but nonetheless, he gestured for you to walk in.

And wow.

In the corner, a self sustaining tornado with rubbing held in it. On the floor, socks and shirts weere strewn about. His bed was nothing more than a mattress, covers hardly on. A treadmill opposite the tornado, looking very not used. A cardboard box for a table, having few items on it.

"It's not much, but I like it." You face him, smiling so wide all your teeth were on show. "Sans this is so cool what the fuck." You breathe, no pauses and at a moderate volume. He looks taken back, but then he has this goofy smile and shit, you melt at the sight.

There's barley any light aside from what's coming from the window, a soft white glow that barely illuminates Sans. "What are we gonna do, actually?" He asks, and you shrug, taking a seat in the centre of where his clothes are not. He sits opposite. "Well, you could tell me what happened last night," you suggest, remembering you still don't have the full details yet.

He snorted, "You barely finish my bro's dinner before you were out." Guilt pooled in your stomach, cleay showing on your face as Sans continued, "I didn't wanna move-- you'd kinda curled up on me," you covered your face with your hands, feeling embarrassed.

He waved this off, "Eventually though, I managed to squirm away and let you get some actual rest." You smile, thanking him. Sans chuckled, "I'm just glad I didn't have to call the police to report a crime." You blinked, frowning hard. "No one was resisting ar-rest." You snort, covering your mouth.

As Sans continues to rattle off puns, you attempt to keep your laughter to a minimum.


Papyrus stretched, a smile on his face. Yet another great sleep, as he expected!

Wandering out into the hall, he noticed [M.Name] was missing from the couch. Panic began to rise in his SOUL as he wandered down the stairs, softly calling your name to no reply. This panic only increased when he saw you weren't in the kitchen, either.

Papyrus turned, ready to go running outside to look for you, when he spotted that your shoes were still by the door. He relaxed for a moment, tensing again when he realised he still did not know where you were.

Wandering back upstairs again, he stopped to look in Sans's room-- and stumbled upon a wholesome sight.

You were sprawled out, fast asleep, while Sans had curled up at the other end of you, also asleep. Papyrus smiled, mentally taking a picture of this moment. He supposed that it wouldn't be so bad if he left the two of you to sleep just a little longer...

He left the door just barely open, returning to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. If Papyrus knew his brother well, which he did, he and [M.Name] had spent so long talking without getting anything to snack on that when they woke up, they'd immediately be deathly hungry.

The great Papyrus, in all his great friend-and-brother glory, could not let that happen! He would make the best meal to ever grace their taste buds and cure them of their hunger immediately!

With a quiet "Nyehehe", he set to work.

• • •

Don't mind me, silently celebrating three uploads in one day--

Merry Christmas, by the way! I hope the holidays are treating you nicely!

I don't think I mentioned, but I will try to keep these kinds of author notes to a minimum, so the story is focused on a lot more.

Speaking of...

I have some real good ideas in store for this which I'll play around with in my own time, so look forward to that? Oh, and thanks for the support the last few chapters have gotten, it motivates me a lot!

Alright, I'll go now, bye!

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