Chapter Twelve - Addy

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I wake up with a start and bolt into sitting position. My breathing is heavy and my head throbs from the mental exertion of receiving a memory. My mind spins with questions. Where was I? Why did they do that to us? How could they be so cruel?

"Addy? You alright?" Newt sits up, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

Suddenly I remember that I'm at the Doors and why. "I'm fine," I lie. "Just a nightmare. I'm so worried for them."

"Me too," Newt sighs and scoots closer to me. "There's no way they make it, but I don't want to believe that they're dead."

"Me either," I agree. His golden hair is the exact same color as his sister's from my memory.

"What?" Newt raises a brow at me. "Do I have bad bedhead?" I realize that I've been staring at his hair subconsciously.

"No!" I say quickly, trying to find an excuse. "I- er nevermind."

Newt laughs a little, but it's cut off, short and sad. "Two minutes," he says, glancing at his watch.

Worry bubbles up in my stomach once again. "I really hope they make it." My brother's out there with those horrible creatures. He could be dying, or dead.

"Minho's the best we got. We can't lose him," Newt says sadly. "And Alby's our leader. We can't go on without him. We need him. The Greenie. He's so stupid. And brave. I was actually starting to like him." Newt buried his head in his hands just as Chuck comes bounding over with truly exceptional bedhead.

"It's almost time!" Chuck's usually excitement was laced in a determination and unwilling fear. "They're gonna make it. I know it."

The Doors thundered open, booming and grinding as usual but drawing the attention of much more Gladers than normal. The Maze looked just as it had last night, except instead of the terrified faces of Minho, Alby, and Thomas, it was empty.

Newt turned away, hiding the mourning in his face from the other Gladers. No one wants to stay and dwell on the loss and the crowd turns away, dispersing quickly. I cup my face in my hands, dispare forcing it's way into every fiber of my being. Grief fills my soul and I can feel the tears forming, but my mourning is cut of by the lone, hopeful Glader remaining at the Door.

Chuck whoops, "They made it! I told you they would!"

Sure enough Thomas and Minho turn the corner and run into view. I jump up, screaming in delight and bolting towards them. I catch a short glimpse of my brother's relieved smile before wrapping both boys in giant hug, ignoring Minho's remark about how we barely know each other. I pull my brother aside and smack him on the upside of the head. "What were you thinking?! Never do that again!"

Newt makes his way to us as well. Fear for the boys' well being shields itself in anger as he speaks. "What happened? What in the bloody-"

"We'll tell you later. We have to save Alby." Thomas bolts over to the inside wall and points up into the ivy.

Sure enough, a dark arm hangs out of the foliage. "Oh my goodness," I mutter in awe.

"What do you mean? He's alive?" The utter disbelief in Newt's voice accurately depicts the shock I feel.

The boys stare up at Alby without showing any signs of intent to do something so, with a roll of my eyes, I let them chat and grasp the thick ropes in my hands, pulling myself up. My action is the encouragement they need to start moving and Newt orders Minho and Thomas to go to the Med-jacks and get checked out. He directs some of the Gladers to help get Alby down and then turns his attention back to me.

"Get down from there, Addy! Let these shanks do the dirty work!" I glance down as Newt as he says this. He looks so cute squinting in the sun with his hand shielding him from the light, but, gosh, it's a long way down and I'm not even halfway up.

"What?" I say, feigning confidence. "You don't think I can do this just cuz I'm a girl?" In all honesty, I have no idea what I would do if I were able to get up there, but I'm not going to sit around and do nothing. I can do anything those boys can.

Newt groans, dropping his hand from his brows in exasperation. "That's not what I mean! You know that! Just get down! It's not safe! I'd rather these shuckfaces break their necks, but not you!"

His concern for me is endearing and, though I don't want to give up, I'm eager to speak with my brother and I would probably be in the way even if I tried to help. The other Gladers have already reached Alby and begun carefully unwrapping his arms. How on earth did Tommy get him up there?

"Fine." I sigh and begin to work my way down, but, being the klutz I am, my foot slips off of the vines and sends me sprawling down.

Newt reaches me just in time and catches me in his arms before I hit the ground. A fall from that high could've killed me. I gasp for breath and my heart pounds rapidly.

"You alright?" Newt asks kindly. I notice how he doesn't make any jokes about how heavy I am or how loud I was just screaming and I'm grateful for it, but still scramble out of his arms awkwardly.

"Thanks to you," I mumble. "Sorry." My eyes lock with the ground as guilt wells in my eyes in the form of tears. Even though I'm not too big, I'm sure it can't feel good to be smashed by a falling girl, no matter her size. I'm such an idiot

Newt lifts my chin and the touch sends shivers down my spine. "I'm just glad you're alright. Let's go check on Minho and Tommy. These boys have got it covered."

He clears his throat uncomfortably as we walk towards the Homestead together and I notice his cheeks heating, triggering a small smile to spread across my face. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's nervous.


"Not dead!" Minho declares proudly.

Newt raises an eyebrow and quietly mutters so that only I can hear, "Obviously." I hide my giggle in my hand. Louder he continues, "So would either of you mind telling me how you survived? What happened out there?"

Thomas explains the contents of their night and if I were sitting I'd be on the edge of my seat. I feel a bit guilty for being unable to help and wasting the time sleeping. Newt grunts in disbelief and mutters curses beneath his breath at points in the story but no one truly interrupts until Minho butts in.

"Here's the thing," he says while Thomas wraps up, "the Maze. It didn't change."

"It didn't change?" Newt seems even more surprised which I didn't think was possible. He opens his mouth to say something more but cuts himself off by dragging a hand down his chin, a habit I've noticed he does when he's exasperated.

"How is that possible?" I ask, trying to understand. "Has it ever done this before?"

"No," Minho says, "never."

"So what does this mean?" Thomas asks. "Do you think the Creator's knew we were in there and didn't change it so we wouldn't get crushed?"

"That or they didn't want to reveal how it works," Newt adds. "We'll have to wait and see what happens tomorrow. For now, we have a Gathering to attend to."

Newt marches off, shadowed by Minho and Thomas. Tommy looks so nervous; pale and white-knuckled. I start to follow but once we reach the large room where the Gatherings take place, I'm stopped.

"Sorry luv," Newt says with genuinely apologetic expression. "I can't let you sit in."

I want to argue, but don't want to cause Newt more trouble so I grudgingly oblige and plant myself outside the door to wait.

𝓣𝓱𝓮  𝓑𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓭  𝓪𝓷𝓭  𝓽𝓱𝓮  𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷  - ᴀ ᴍᴀᴢᴇ ʀᴜɴɴᴇʀ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang