Chapter Ten - Newt

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I want to beat the bloody shuck out of Alec, but Thomas has done a mighty good job on his own.

"...if any of you try something like this, I won't be so bloody merciful so there better not be a 'next time!' If you touch her, even so much as lay a finger on her, you're getting Banished, no questions asked. You hear me? I don't think any of you slintheads would like to be cuddling up with buggin' Grievers anytime soon! Get back to work, you shanks!" My words are dripping with fury.

Anger fumes from me and I can tell by their expressions that the Gladers got the message. I feel a prick of guilt for yelling at them, but it's drowned out in the rage. As I heave my lungs to collect air properly, Thomas leads Addy to her hut. She trembles and gasps, sucking oxygen in between strangled sobs. My heart breaks for her but I've done what I can so far.

When I've calmed enough to think straight, a shiver runs through me. My arms are cold and empty without her in them. No! I mentally beat myself. No, you can't think stuff like that! When did I become such a bloody romantic? I don't- I can't fall in love with her.

I shake off the thoughts and busy myself with work as a distraction. I don't want to want her as much as I do. It's so stereotypical and insincere. It's just hormones. All the boys probably feel this way. Even though I tell myself the words, I don't believe them.


After an hour, I can't help myself. I have to know if she's ok. "Addy? You alright, luv?" I say as I rap on the door with my knuckles. I hear a sharp intake of breath intermingled with a sniff.

"Fine," she whispers back. She's not fine. I can hear in her voice that she's been crying a lot. Given the circumstances, who could blame her?

"C- could I come in?" I ask nervously. Maybe I'm being to forward. She probably wants to be left alone. I fidget, ready to turn away from the door when Addy weakly replies.


I creak the door open and see her curled on her bed, eyes bloodshot and face red from crying. Addy bites her quivering lip to keep from breaking down again and I can almost feel my heart shattering within my chest. Guilt fills the empty chasm inside me. I was the one who sent Chuck back to work. I thought it'd be alright, but I was wrong. If only I hadn't. If only I'd let Chuck stay with her. This wouldn't have happened.

"I'm so sorry, Addy," I whisper sincerely as I seat myself next to her and pull her into my arms. "I'm so sorry."

Addy leans into me, wiping her eyes. "It's alright. I'm alright." She sounds like she's convincing herself more than me, but it works and her tears dry up.

We sit like that for a while, not speaking, but the silence is broken the rumbling of her stomach. I grin at her tomato red face and Addy fidgets awkwardly. I slip my hand in hers and pull her off the bed.

"Come on, let's find you something to eat."

Addy looks like she's going to protest, but grudgingly follows, most likely because she is being dragged. I lead her into the kitchens, once again abusing the power I have as second in command to get inside when anyone else would have been turned away. Frypan doesn't look happy to have us there, but steps aside with the quiet, open-ended threat that I better not mess anything up or else.

"What would you like?" I ask Addy, a lopsided grin plastered on my face.

She shrugs and glances around the small space. "You can choose what we make."

"Make?" I run my hand through my hair and dramatically blow a sigh through my lips. "I'm not sure I've got the skill to buggin' make something. I was thinking more like apples."

She giggles softly. "Don't tell me you can't cook," Addy teases.

I can still see remnants of sadness on her face, but Addy's eyes have a gleam of happiness in the sea of green. That makes me smile. "Care to teach me?"

A full on grin pulls across her face at the words.


By the time we've popped the questionable cookies in the oven, we're both covered in flour and our throats are rubbed raw from a mix of spontaneous karaoke to songs I didn't know I knew and rambunctious laughter. I swipe at my pants but only succeed at smearing the flour around. Addy laughs at my futile attempt and I shoot her a mock glare, scraping flour of the count and cupping it in my hand behind my back. Frypan is gonna kill me for the mess, but that doesn't matter. All that matters right now is cheering Addy up, and to do that, I've got to first make her mad. I hurl the scoop of fine white powder right at her. It erupts into a cloud of smokey white and sprinkles her dark hair, clinging to her long black eyelashes.

Addy screeches and tries to get it off, but fails just as miserably as I did. I chuckle at her and while I'm distracted she mimics my action and scoops flour off the counter and into her own hand, launching at me. I throw my hands in front of my face, laughing, but it gets in my eyes and I stumble backwards. Addy takes advantage of my momentary distraction and runs out of the kitchen toward the Deadheads, throwing her dark chocolate mop of hair behind her as she shoots a glance back at me with a taunting expression plastered on her face.

I don't remember ever laughing so much all in one day. I swipe what I can off my face and take off after her.

I spot Frypan walking back and throw an expression of mock terror to Addy who is laughing and running backwards so she can watch the spectacle. "Newt!" Frypan yells. "What is this? I trusted you!"

"Sorry," I holler and pick up speed.

Addy disappears into the trees and I lose track of her. I melt into a slower pace and draw a wide circle in the center of the clearing with my footprints. I squint into a the tree tops, knowing there's no where else for her to hide.

"Come on, luv," I say in a sing-song voice into the foliage. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

A muffled giggle come from my left and I walk over, only to be tackled to the ground by Addy who launches herself out of a tree. We fall to the ground, rolling over the rough, forest carpet from the momentum. I groan with a pained smile and she laughs when we finally stop. Addy pushes herself off of me and stretches her hand out to help me up.

"You alright?" She asks, still dripping in mirth. Her dark brown hair is now coated in not only flour, but dirt and leaves.

I pluck a stick out of her hair and brush the strands behind her ear. "Been better. Frypan's got a target on my back," I say good naturedly.

"Sorry!" Addy grins but it slowly fades. Without the constant chaos and fun, she remembers why she was unhappy in the first place and pulls her arms in to her chest.

I smile gently and put a hand on her back, guiding her out of the trees. "Come on, luv. You look a mess. Why don't you go get cleaned up before dinner?"

She nods and tries to smile again. "Good idea."

I watch her retreating figure forlornly. She'll be alright. I promise myself. She'll be fine.

𝓣𝓱𝓮  𝓑𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓭  𝓪𝓷𝓭  𝓽𝓱𝓮  𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷  - ᴀ ᴍᴀᴢᴇ ʀᴜɴɴᴇʀ ꜰᴀɴꜰɪᴄTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang