The Future/Epliogue

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I hope you all like the ending,

Happy Holidays everyone!! I will be back after the new year to upload some more. I will take some time to write more before then hopefully but with Christmas, my family coming from out of state and new years I may be busy to write too much.

Chapter Text

Seventeen year old Harry James Potter walked across the stage as his name was called. He had finally graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with NEWTS in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, Potions, Charms, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and a self study in History of Magic and Astronomy. He took Muggle studies just to see if he could pass after having grown up in the muggle world. 

He smiled as he heard his friends and family cheering in the crowd. He turned to look as he shook Headmistress McGonagall's hand. He was proud to have graduated at the top of his class. His friend group had grown while a few were left behind. Hermione never gave up her need to be the best and her hero worship of Dumbledore. Her parents were informed of their daughter using a time turner in third year; nobody had known Dumbledore gave it to her at the end of second year. She was pulled from Hogwarts after she got her Owls, to be put into mundane schooling with magical tutors after that. 

Professor Dumbledore had been asked to retire after his second year when it was proven that he knew of the creature from his time teaching Transfiguration back when Tom Riddle attended. The mind healers had declared him no longer fit to run the school. Dumbledore was arrested on charges of child abuse, accessory to child abuse, illegal will tampering, illegal use of potions, and attempted line theft after everything was done. He was placed in Azkaban where he spent the rest of his life in magic suppression cuffs. 

He saw the Weasley family very easily, that much red hair in one area will always stick out, and next to them he saw Kailash, Abdul, Maverick and even Griphook attended though people gave him a wide berth. 

Harry walked back to his seat near the Patil twins and waited for the best of the names to be called. He could not wait to start the next journey in his life. He was able to secure an apprenticeship with Abdul learning about parseltongue and animal taming. He was focusing first on a mastery of parseltongue while also getting a mastery in defense. He was still a bit undecided if he would go towards healing or warding. He would get his defense mastery first as that was where many of his skills lay. 

Over the years Harry was taught new forms of defense each summer. It was Maverick Lamont, Bill’s fellow curse breaker who convinced Harry to try the dueling circuit. He got some tips from Professor Flitwick as well, as he was still in the know about who is the top and who is to beat in the circuit. Harry began to dominate the circuit in his fourth year competing internationally against some of the best, including Viktor Krum who when not playing quidditch was a top dueler, Brent Ruiz from Spain was one of the best in the world and always gave Harry a good competition as well as Zula Kendrick from Africa who was a master at using transfiguration in their dueling. 

Harry was going to continue on the circuit for a few more years before getting a job full time. He assumed he was going to be so busy learning parseltongue while getting his defense mastery that he would only compete a few times a year at the big competitions. 

Time Skip

Twenty five year old Harry James Potter was proud of all that he had accomplished up to this point. He had worked hard to get a mastery in both defense and parseltongue in three years. He then spent some time traveling to learn as much as he could about different magical cultures. He noticed so many differences from the backwards Britain to Australia who were able to integrate technology into their schooling. He purchased a phone altered to run on magic rather than battery, helping him stay in contact with friends and family. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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