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So I have been working on an actual book, not fanfiction for a few days now. I know it will never go anywhere because I am not good enough to be an author but I am asking for some suggestions for names. I usually use a random name generator but I like to hear about names that mean a lot to others.

The first story I wrote that is not fanfiction is a children book btw.

"Have you ever used the floo before Harry?" Bill asked.

"The first time I used it was with your family and I ended up in the wrong place." Harry said truthfully. He was embarrassed but knew that Bill would not judge him if he was like his family.

"Okay I am going to have you come with me then." Bill said as he offered his hand to Harry. Harry grabbed his hand and they stepped into the fireplace together. Harry closed his eyes as the spinning began. If Bill had not grabbed him when they got to Gringotts he would have fallen again. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I am okay, I just don't know how you can floo without falling." Harry said. He took off his glasses to clean them as Bill escorted him away from the floo.

He put the glasses back on and looked at the room they came into. It seems to be an office based on the desk filled with some paperwork, filing cabinets and weapons all along the walls. Harry was looking at a pair of daggers on the wall when everyone else came in.

"Come Mr. Potter, we are going to go to the ritual room." Ragnok said. He lead the group through the maze of hallways, Harry got confused after the fifth turn and stopped trying to keep track. He was trying to keep up and looking at everything as he walked because there were weapons and imagery all over the walls that seemed to be images of battles. Maybe some were even the ones he read about in History of Magic.

They walked into a stone room that had to be underground based on the path that they took. There was a table in the middle made of stone that was surrounded by what were probably runes carved into the ground. As Harry walked through the door he felt something, almost like when he accidentally walked through a ghost one time. He shivered as he felt it along his whole body. What Harry did not know was there was a ward on the door that would remove anything such as a tracking charm, glamorous, Polyjuice potion and other appearance altering substances, spells and devices. They walked into the side room to explain that Harry and Professor Babbling would stay in there and watch as the team ran their tests.

The professor was excited and told Harry what some of the Runes meant that she could see. She explained that it was a mixture of different cultures. She explained the ones on the ground would light up when in use and most meant things like Algiz which meant protection, shield and defense would help protect the ones working and the one on the table. Uruz stands for strength, power and courage which would help the curse breakers with extra power if they need it to contain or break the curse. The elder futhark rune Ansuz stood for cleaning which would help to clean the object or person of the curse or potion. She also pointed out the rune Othala which meant heritage, ancestry and inheritance. She explained that they used that rune to do inheritance tests which he may want to ask about. There were also norse runes such as sowilo which represent strength, courage and victory. Harry thought that rune looked very similar to the mark left on his forehead and decided that he would look into it and read about it. Maybe his mother did a ritual that helped him survive.

They watched as the group took notes and then Ragnok called for another Goblin to get a lead box. They levitated the diary into the lead box and sealed it with a mix of magic and runes. Around that time is also when the second group who stayed at the school arrived with a small red haired girl.

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