House Meetings

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Here is the next chapter. Let me know what you think. I decided to leave the name for now but if people really really hate it I can edit it again later.

Chapter edit* changed Harri to Harry

The four heads of house left Flitwick's office thinking about the situation. Each needed to have a talk with their house right away. Pomona and Severus headed for the dungeons while Minerva headed up to her office where she will make the announcement to have all students in their common rooms. After that she would head to the Gryffindor common room. Filius headed straight for the Ravenclaw common room.


After answering the riddle on the door, I 'm the rare case when today comes before yesterday. What am I? A dictionary , he entered to see something he did not expect. First year Luna Lovegood was crying over what looked like a torn picture while two upper year students Cho Chang and Marietta Edgecombe were laughing at her.

He climbed onto the table and let out a loud bang with his wand. He immediately had the attention of all the students in the dorm. Some had the decency to look ashamed of the behavior. While others were just confused on what was happening. The Professor had designated hours he was in the common room and that was not at this time. It was at that point they heard the announcement for all students to return to their common rooms.

"While we wait for everyone to come back I would like Ms. Clearwater to start taking attendance so I know who is here. Ms. Lovegood please bring that up here and I will try to fix it for you. Ms. Change and Ms. Edgecombe we will be having a serious discussion later and you are getting a week of detention for this instance. You will be with Filch cleaning all of next week." Flitwick said. He pinned the two with a hard look. He was able to repair the picture that Luna had been trying to fix. He noticed it was a picture of her mother who had passed away a few years ago. It took about ten minutes for all the students to be present in the common room. They sat in the different chairs and on the floor facing him.

"Good everyone is here. I want to start off by saying that we have a lead on what has been petrifying the students and the professors are working with Gringotts to help get rid of the animal that is causing the harm. Now that being said, there have been some serious problems brought up that we need to discuss. We all know that during the dueling club Mr. Potter was revealed to be a parselmouth. No, be quiet!" He yelled when everyone started talking about how it was evil. "Being a parselmouth is not evil. In fact in other cultures it is praised and some of the most accomplished healers are parselmouths. This is what I mean, you all immediately started attacking a twelve year old because he can speak another language. A twelve year old who clearly told the snake to back away when it stopped advancing towards Mr. Finch-Fletchley. I am very disappointed in all of you, especially the older years who are attacking a child. Things are going to change around here because clearly even inter house bullying is seen as okay, based on what I witnessed when I walked in here. From now on, every instance of bullying will be met with a detention or more depending on the severity. You are all old enough to know better than to bully someone, especially on things like being an orphan, having less money and more. This will be a school side policy. Now prefects are going to be able to enforce this and if I find out they are participating as well they will lose the badge. There is going to be a box set up by my office that you can anonymously report any bullying you witness or that has happened to you."

The students all looked around, some looking ashamed but some still looking defiant. Filius made a note of who those students were and would keep an eye one them. He turned around and had the two students follow him where he assigned them the detention officially and then lectured them on bullying.

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