Professor Flitwick

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The chapters will get a bit longer soon. This was originally going to be a one shot that Just kept going so I decided to create chapters. Do you want two uploads today?

Harry ran down the hallways, up the stairs until he got to the Charms teachers office. He had to dodge a couple spells along the way and students running from him or screaming when they saw him. He knocked on the door to the office. It took a few seconds before he heard a "come in" from the other side of the door. He opened the door and closed it again behind him. He was breathing a bit heavy from the run and the adrenalin of the situation.

"Mr. Potter, what a surprise. Why don't you take a seat and relax for a minute. I will get us some tea." the half-goblin professor said. Just jumped down from his chair and escorted the young boy to another seat. He quickly summoned a house elf, Mimsy, for some tea.

"Professor, I didn't know who else to go to and it all just happened and I think I found out what has been happening but Professor McGonagall wouldn't believe me again and the headmaster is not available when I need him usually." Harry said really fast. His hands shook a little as the adrenalin wore off.

"Why don't you do me a favor, take a deep breath. Good, again. Okay now Mr. Potter, why don't you start from the beginning." Flitwick said.

"Okay. I did not know that I could speak parseltongue before the dueling club, there was one time I set the boa constructor at the zoo loose on my cousin but it was an accident I swear!" Harry said.

"It's okay. We cannot control our accidental magic. That is some very powerful accident magic as well, congratulations." Filius said, trying not to laugh at the look on the boy's face.

"Oh, thank you. When Malfoy summoned the snake at the club it was really mad and wanted to attack someone. It was going towards Justin so I told it to stop. I did, I promise!!" Harry said. He knew that adults never believed him but he had to try.

"I noticed that the snake backed off. Mr. Potter I am not one of those people who think that parseltongue is dark. In fact it is often used for healing and curse breaking in many cultures. The Indian magical community for example used to worship the snake speakers. The Goblins try to hire them for curse breaking as well because the magic of parsel is so strong it can overpower many others." Flitwick said. His father, Ragnok would love to have someone like Harry on one of the teams when he gets older.

"I did not know that. Um, so when I spoke to the snake everyone started calling me evil and dark. Some of the older students like to hex me in the hallways, on the stairs and when they can find me basically." Harry said.

"Even my Ravenclaws?" Flitwick interrupted. He knew it was rude but he had to know.

"Um, some of them. Most Ravenclaws just avoid me. Some of the older ones have taught the younger students a shield charm to use when I am around. They won't do it in front of you and Professor Sprout." Harry said, feeling a bit bad about ratting them out but he also knew that he was only 12 and they older students could seriously hurt him. If a professor finally took bullying seriously then that could only help the whole school.

"I will have to address that later. Continue please." Flitwick said, writing a note about it. He would get some proof first.

"So I was running away from some older students this morning, I think they were Hufflepuff and Slytherin, and went to hide in Myrtle's bathroom. After they ran past me I had a conversation with Myrtle. Apparently someone threw a diary through her and she was really upset. When I went to pick up the Diary and see who's it was, we noticed something strange. The Diary wrote to us, it claimed to be from a student called Tom Marvolo Riddle, who Myrtle said she went to school with. When I tried writing in it, it wrote back again. Myrtle had never heard of magic like that and I have only known about magic since I was eleven." Harry said. He took the diary out to show the Professor who was sitting forward more attentively when he heard the name.

"Hm, The only magic I know similar is that of the mirrors that talk back but my father and some of his coworkers would probably know more. Is there anything else?" Flitwick said, he could feel that the diary was something very dark. He grabbed it and put in on his desk, away from the young student.

"Yes, I asked Myrtle how she died, which I know is not the best thing to do, and she told me. She had been bullied by a girl in her house so she was in the bathroom crying. She said she heard a male voice and when she went to tell him that it was the girls bathroom she saw a huge pair of yellow eyes and then she died instantly. She showed me the sink that the animal came out of and it has a carving of a snake. I think that is where the Chamber of Secrets is!!" Harry said he was excited to have figured this out on his own. The professor did a double take, trying to think of all the animals that he knew that could kill someone with their gaze and paled when he thought of one.

"Mr. Potter, do you mind if I call a few other people to get their help?" He asked. He started to write a note that he needed an urgent meeting in his office. He may have information on what happened to the students that were petrified .

"Who are you going to ask sir? I don't think McGonagall or the Headmasters will help." Harry said, as if it was common knowledge the Headmasters and Deputy would ignore the students in danger.

"I would like to call Professors Sprout, Snape, Kettleburn who is the care of magical creatures professor and some of my Goblin family." The short professor said.

"Oh, okay. Um you do know that Snape hates me right?" Harry asked. 

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