The Discovery

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This is completely written so I will post it while working on chapters for my other stories. This was is not super long and it was stuck in my head for a while. Let me know what you think.

Chapter Text

Harry Potter was not having a good year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He should have known that it would not be a good year when he got the ministry warning about underage magic after the odd creature Dobby used magic to ruin his uncle's dinner. When he had gotten to Hogwarts that year, he had tried to look up more information about house elves but there seemed to be no books about them.

Twelve-year-old Harry James Potter was running from some upperclassmen again. He had seen a hint of yellow and green trim on the robes. After the disaster of the dueling club, where the whole school found out that he was a parselmouth; someone who could speak to snakes, he was being targeted by everyone. He had been chased, hexed, cursed and hit more times this week than most of last year.

Harry never knew that speaking to snakes was evil and dark. His friend Ron Weasley told him after he told the snake not to attack Justin Finch Fletchley, a second year Hufflepuff muggleborn. After that the Hufflepuffs had taken to either running away, talking about him being the heir of Slytherin, and hexing him. The Ravenclaws were also wary of him with many of the older students either hexing him or teaching the younger years shield charms that they put up when he was around. The Slytherins were as bad as always, they loved to hex him anyways so this was nothing new. The Gryffindors to Harry's surprise were also hexing him in the hallways and common room.

Harry rounded a corner on the second floor and knew he needed to hide soon or he would get hurt. The older students had no problems with casting a tripping hex on the stairs, they had done so a few times already. He saw the flooded bathroom that Moaning Myrtle occupied and decided to risk it. He dove through the door, sprinting into one of the stalls. He stood on the toilet so as to not have his feet visible. He heard the students run past the bathroom and let out a breath.

"Are you here to throw something through me as well Harry Potter?" He heard Myrtle wail. He got on the ground and turned quickly to see the ghost coming out of the plumbing in the sinks.

"No, I was just hiding so I did not get hurt again. Who is throwing things at you?" Harry asked. He had gotten to know the ghost a little during the time he spent hiding and brewing the Polyjuice potion with Ron and Hermione.

"I did not see. I was just in here minding my business when suddenly that book flew through me!!" Myrtle wailed.

Harry tried to calm her down before she flooded the bathroom again. He was only somewhat successful. He went over and picked up the book. It seemed to be a black diary with the name Tom Marvolo Riddle written across it. He did not want to invade someone's privacy but he also did not recognize the name. He opened the diary and noticed that it was empty. The diary must have been charmed resistant to water because even though it was laying in a puddle it was perfectly dry.

He got a bit scared when a drop of water seemed to absorb into the page. All the sudden there was writing in the book. He did not recognize the handwriting as it spelled out ' Can You please stop dripping water all over me' . He quickly closed the diary and put it on the sink.

"Myrtle, do you know any dairies that write back to you?" Harry asked.

"Are you asking that because I am a girl and we all have a diary, Harry Potter?" Myrtle asked.

"No, you were older than I am now when you died and probably knew more magic than I do." Harry was quick to clarify. He did not want Myrtle to start crying again.

"I do not know of any that write back to you now. Only ones that lock and can only be seen by the person who owns it. It might not be a good thing if it writes back to you." Myrtle said. She floated closer to the diary and Harry. "Show me what you mean."

Harry took out the fountain pen he had stolen from his uncle before coming back to school. He noticed that quills were very similar to fountain pens but he could not write as well with a quill. He used the pen for notes and homework after making sure it was okay with Professor McGonagall. As long as he used a quill on official exams and essays then it was okay to take notes with a pen after he showed how to use it and what it looked like.

He wrote ' Who are you? ' and they watched as the ink sunk into the page. About thirty seconds later words began to appear writing out ' My name is Tom Riddle. What is your name? ' which Myrtle freaked out about.

"Tom was a boy I went to school with back before I died. He is apparently the one who found the person who used that animal to kill me." Myrtle wailed.

"Wait, he went to school so long ago? How did you die Myrtle?" Harry asked. He knew that she was a ghost at the time his parents attended school because he had asked Ron about it and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had known the ghost.

"Oh, it was awful. Olive Hornby had been making fun of me something terrible. She had always bullied me, making fun of my glasses. I ran to the bathroom here sobbing. I had hidden in one of the stalls when I heard the door open. I was about to call out when I heard a male voice. I opened the stall door to tell the boy that this was the girl's bathroom when I saw yellow eyes and then died. I never saw who released the animal, it came from that sink over there." Myrtle wiled. Pointing to one of the sinks. Harry walked over and saw a carving of a snake. It got him thinking about the chamber of secrets.

"I am going to need some help, Myrtle. I think that is the chamber of secrets and whatever is down there is petrifying the students." Harry said. He backed away from the sink. "While I go to the professors can you make sure nobody comes in here?" He grabbed the diary and put it in the pocket of his robe.

He tried to think about what to do next. He knew he could not go to his head of house Professor McGonagall; she did not listen to him last year. Headmaster was an option, but he was not helpful when Harry asked for help last year. He knew that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher would not be able to do anything. He decided that he would ask Professor Flitwick, he had heard that he was fair, and he was a champion dueler, so he had to have some morals. 

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