• Chapter 2 •

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Chapter 2; ❛ Roomates ❜

You yawned, stretching as you walked. Your bones clicked and popped like a bowl of rice krispies, which made you chuckle lowly.

Ruffling your hair to a delightful messy, you glanced at Sans, who walked next to you. "Where we going?" You ask. After the pleasantries, Frisk gestured for you to follow them and the two skeletons. Toriel tagged along, Undyne and the others leaving for the opposite direction.

Frisk answered your question. "If you wanted something softer to sleep on, you can stay with either me and Toriel or Sans and Papyrus. It's up to you, of course." You nod, shivering at the gust of wind blown your way. "I take it they live in, uh, that cold place?" You ask, rubbing at your arms as the cold only began to grow.

Papyrus nods, "AS SKELETONS, WE DO NOT GET ILL NOR COLD." Your smile is more forced than you meant it to be, but in your defense it was to prevent your teeth from chattering. "Must be, uh, nice." Frisk gently pats your shoulder, looking cold themself. "I-Is-- is the inside of your house, uh, c-cold?" Try as you might, you still stuttered, steps now crunching snow.

Papyrus nods, "THE HUMAN-- ER, FRISK COMES OVER SOMETIMES, SO WE KEEP THE HOUSE HEATED." You mull over your options, turning to Toriel. "If you don't mind me asking, where do you-- you live?" She frowns, bothered by how cold you obviously were, but answered. "I live in the ruins, just on the outskirts of Snowdin. It's not as bad as it sounds, but I understand if you'd prefer to stay with Papyrus and Sans."

You nod, teeth beginning to chatter as you shiver uncontrollably. It didn't help you were still damp from earlier, when you literally dived into a lake. Toriel gently tapped you, causing you to look in her direction. "Child, if you are cold, would you like to come closer? I assure you, I am quite warm, and--" you didn't wait for her to finish, which you knew was rude, but immediately smiled at the warmth radiating from her.

"Thanks," you sigh. Eventually, the walking stops. "Here we are," Sans mutters, and you look up at the house. It's made of wood, like every house here, with christmas lights adorning part of the roof. Immediately, your mind flooded with how cosy it would be to live here.

In fact, you already pictured waking up, eating breakfast, and going out for adventures. Lazy days. The bond you'd make with these people, these monsters, and it was clear that the energy buzzing in the air was from you. "Do you wanna-" Sans began, gesturing to the house, and you ran forward with a "YES!"

Frisk gave a silent laugh, patting Toriel's hand and signing "I'm sure they'll visit for sleepovers," to which she nodded. "Farewell Sans, Papyrus." Gently patting them both on the skulls, she left with Frisk. "Welp, we'd better go inside. Who knows what that kid's up to."


Sans was suspicious, to say the least. Strangers were bad enough, but most monsters down here could be trusted. Humans were a danger, human strangers the worst kind, but... Well, Frisk trusted this kid, and to be quite honest, he wasn't sure if [M.Name] could actually hurt someone effectively.

Inside, you were just stood there, in between the space the couch and TV, not moving. "HUMAN? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus asked, concerned. Sans felt magic tingle, stirring in his SOUL, ready to manifest as a weapon.

The [H.Colour]'s answer put him at ease for now. "Didn't wanna poke around without permission, waited." Simple, easy, to the point. Papyrus smiled big, puffing out his chest, hands on his hips. "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, ALLOW YOU TO LOOK AROUND AT OUR HOUSE-- AND NOW, YOURS."

Like in Waterfall, he scurried off, looking around. Waterfall. Sans pulled a hand from a pocket, looking down at the echo flower.

"For you!" He remembered [M.Name] saying cheerily. Nothing was out of place-- he honestly just wanted to gift Sans a flower as a token of appreciation for not just killing him then and there. Too much effort, Sans thought, watching as [M.Name] rambled on about what he wanted to do now he was here, and what he was looking forward to.

Glancing up at his brother, Sans let his rigid posture go slack. Papyrus looked so happy and proud at how much you loved his-- their house, and that only grew the more the boy pointed out everything he loved (which, suprisingly, was everything).

For Papyrus, he'd let his guard down. Glancing over wearily at [M.Name], who was energetically waving his hands to gesture at things, he felt magic once more simmer in his SOUL.

He'd just keep a close eye socket on you, is all.


You took deep, steady breaths-- you were getting so excited that you could feel twitches coming on, and that wasn't fun.

It's just, well-- Papyrus's room was so fucking cool! It looked like he enjoyed pirates, or that he would enjoy pirates, as well as owning a variety of children's books (he looked slightly ashamed to show you these, but after you nearly cried at the nostalgia of one, he didn't look so guilty) and even a computer!

Sure, it was old, blocky like a windows 98 type, but still. You asked Sans about his room, but he rubbed the nape of his spine and looked away, saying "It's so messy kid, I'd be embarrassed to look at it." While you assured him your room on the surface was way worse, you didn't pry again; he was entitled to privacy, after all.

"I WILL MAKE DINNER!" Papyrus had announced after the house tour was over, wandering off to the kitchen. Sans nodded to the couch, inviting you to sit down, which you do.

You groan contentedly as you lean back, back cracking a few times. Sans watches you, eye sockets blank before he blinks, eye lights small. "Is that-- is that normal?" You nod, "That happens, yeah." Sans turns away, turning the TV on and flipping through channels until it lands on Mettaton.

Ten minutes hadn't even passed before you hummed. Sans looked at you, confused. "What's his name?" You ask, before stopping. "Is that even a he? I don't know, I didn't mean to assume but--" Sans gently patted your knee, "That's Mettaton. He's a TV presenter, and basically the only one we have."

You nod, smiling. This Mettaton, he didn't seem that bad... In fact, you could get used to watching him while eating dinner with Sans and Papyrus, relaxing...

Yes, this sounded awesome.

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