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A/N: I haven't forgotten this fic. I just don't have an actual plan and so chapters take a while to write.

Maybe read and enjoy?


Dinah woke to the sound of someone knocking on the front door. She grimaced at the soreness in her neck as she slowly attempted to get up from the recliner.

Lauren and Ally had only gotten worse since the early morning. By lunch, both girls had developed fevers and their runny noses had worsened. The couple also struggled to get them to eat at lunch time when it was time to take another dose of medicine. Dinah was beginning to worry that they would need to take the girls to the doctor. She did not want to have to force Ally into a car while the girl was absolutely miserable from illness.

The knocking at the door continued, and Dinah groaned softly as she stood up. She went to place Lauren down on the recliner, but the girl whimpered and wrapped her arms tightly around the woman's neck.

"No go, no go," Lauren whined.

Dinah sighed tiredly, Lauren had been clingy since the first time they had woken up that day, but settled the girl on her hip and moved to the door. "You're just a little monkey today, aren't you?" she asked rhetorically.

As she looked through the window blinds, Dinah frowned seeing who was there. "Mama H?" she said in a mix of confusion and disbelief seeing none other than Andrea Hamilton standing on the front porch. "I didn't forget any plans. I don't think. I would have remembered planning for you to come over," she said as she urged the older woman inside.

Andrea chuckled softly and shook her head. "No, you didn't forget anything," she assured as she headed further inside the house.

Lauren whimpered slightly seeing a new person and tucked her head into the crook of Dinah's neck.

Dinah gently pat the girl's back as they walked toward the kitchen. "It's okay, Lauren," she murmured soothingly. "This is Mani's mom," she explained. "Not to be rude," she said toward the older woman, "but what are you doing here?"

Andrea set a couple of bags on the countertop. "Normani called me earlier. She told me about your girls being sick, and wanted to know when to worry and go to the doctor. I thought I might stop by and drop some groceries off for you." She looked up and nodded toward the younger woman. "Mani also might have mentioned a certain little one not letting you out of sight."

"You are way too good to us," Dinah praised as she sat down at the table. She shook her head as Lauren immediately settled in her lap with her head against her chest. "Don't tell my mom this, but I love you more than her right now." She frowned in thought and then added, "Also, I want it in writing I didn't invite you to meet Ally and Lauren first. You showed up on your own."

Andrea laughed lightly as she started to unpack some of the groceries she had brought. "I will take full responsibility for meeting the girls without Milika here." She turned back to Dinah and smirked mischievously. "We could always blame Normani."

Dinah nodded excitedly. "I am always up for blaming Mani."

"Excuse you!" Normani exclaimed as she entered the kitchen. "I refuse to be blamed for anything," she stated as she sent a glare in Dinah's direction. "Also, hi, Mom. What are you doing here?"

"Being a God-send by bringing us groceries," Dinah answered. "Since someone-" she pointed toward Lauren, perfectly content in her lap, "-refuses to let me put her down for more than two seconds."

Normani shook her head amusedly. "I really didn't think Lauren would be so clingy."

"I didn't either, but apparently so." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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