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A/N: Hello again with a randomly timed update. 

For reference, this takes place the day after the previous chapter timeline wise.

Hopefully you read and enjoy. :)


Normani frowned as something poked her leg in her sleep. She turned over in an attempt to ignore it and go back to sleep, but she instantly became more awake when she heard a whimper from the side of the bed. She turned back over and flicked on the bedside lamp.

Lauren stood beside the bed, face twisted in pain and clutching her Nala to her chest. "No feel good," she mumbled into the stuffed animal's fur.

Normani sat up and set her feet on the floor so she could face the girl. She slowly reached out and put her hand on Lauren's forehead. "Hmm, you do feel kind of warm. What feels bad?"

"Head hurting me," Lauren answered. She sniffled, and Normani winced at the slightly gross sound.

"Wha's goin' on?" Dinah murmured sleepily as she rolled over to face them.

"A little cub isn't feeling too well," Normani answered. "I'm gonna take Lauren to the kitchen. Do you mind going to check on Ally?"

Dinah hummed softly and slowly opened her eyes. "Yeah, I can do that." She gave Lauren a sympathetic smile. "Sorry you're not feeling too good, Nala."

Lauren only whined and rubbed her eyes in response. She took Normani's hand and followed the older woman out to the kitchen.

Normani rummaged through several overhead cupboards before setting a small box on the counter and filling a sippy cup with ice water. She picked Lauren up and placed her on the counter top. She opened the box and pulled out a small bottle of liquid medicine, which she then poured a dose into the provided cup.

Lauren wrinkled her nose at the offered cup of bright red liquid. "Nuh uh. No want. Awwy sayded yuck." She pushed the older woman's hand away and hugged Nala tighter to her chest.

Normani chuckled softly. "Well, I can't say Ally is wrong," she admitted. "But, if you take it quickly and drink some water, it'll be less yucky. Plus, it'll make your head stop hurting."

Lauren eyed the cup suspiciously.

"You can have a little bit of juice if you take it," Normani offered. She didn't see the harm given that Lauren probably wouldn't be going back to bed any time soon.

Lauren gave one more dirty look to the cup of medicine but eventually nodded. She reluctantly drank the small dose of red liquid, whining at the taste.

"I know, it's not very good," Normani said as she handed the sippy cup of water over. "But you're a very good girl for taking it," she praised.

Lauren grunted around the straw of her cup as she drank water.

Normani gently lifted the girl off the counter and set her on the ground and then went to fill another cup with the promised juice.

Dinah entered the kitchen and took a seat at the table. "Ally is still asleep. No sign of fever or stuffy or runny nose yet." She froze when Lauren toddled over and attempted to climb up onto her. Carefully, she picked Lauren up and settled the girl in her lap. "Good?"

Lauren leaned against the blonde's chest, tucking her head against Dinah's neck.

Normani smiled softly and handed the girl the sippy with juice. "As promised," she said and took the sippy with water.

Dinah frowned. "Are you sure she should be drinking that right now?"

Normani shrugged. "If it meant not arguing about taking medicine, than it was worth it."

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