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A/N: Hello, new chapter to start the weekend.

Read and enjoy. :)


"What do you think of taking the girls to the park for an afternoon this weekend?" Normani asked as she and Dinah laid in bed on the following Wednesday night. She had her head against Dinah's chest, tucked underneath the younger woman chin's.

Dinah had been back at work for three days, and the adjustment was slightly easier than they had expected, but Normani could see the girls slowly becoming a little restless.

There was only so much Normani could to keep the girls occupied while also managing to work from home. Thankfully, Dinah managed to be home by early afternoon to take over while Normani worked.

"I'm sure it would be a great idea," Dinah replied as she ran her hand down Normani's arm. She lowered her hand to rest on the older woman's hip and gently tapping her fingers. "The weather's been pretty good. It could be a nice day. And, they might enjoy getting to play on an actual playground. Would be a lot more fun than being cooped up inside or stuck in the backyard."

"Maybe you could stop at the store on your way home from work tomorrow and get some stuff to take?"

Dinah groaned softly but asked, "What did you have in mind?"

Normani grinned and lifted her head to softly kiss the younger woman. "Toys of some sort for outside play? The park around the block has a sandbox. Maybe a soccer ball or something for them to play with?"

Dinah nodded. "I can work with that as long as you plan what food to take."

"Deal. Thank you, baby," Normani said appreciatively as she leaned in for another kiss.


Dinah and Normani managed to survive the rest of the week, and Saturday finally came.

The older woman would have been happy to sleep in, but apparently that was not in the cards for the day. She could hear some voices out in the hallway, and she sighed deeply as she resigned herself to the fact she would have to leave her comfortable bed. She stretched and yawned as she walked out of the room.

Ally and Lauren were in the hallway by their bedroom door, and they both looked up in slight panic as Normani appeared.

Normani frowned and tilted her head to side, taking in the sight. "What's wrong?" she asked quietly.

Ally bit her lip as Lauren hid behind her. "Um, um, Lauren's bed is wet."

That had Normani slightly more awake. "Why is her bed wet?"

Lauren looked up hesitantly before ducking her head again. "Spillded cup. It made wet."

Ally nodded as if to confirm the story. "She took the lid off and then dropped her cup."

That was entirely plausible, Normani thought. She and Dinah gave the girls each their own water bottle to keep on their beds at night. Lauren had chosen a Lion King themed one, and Ally had chosen a Moana one.

Normani wondered why Lauren took the lid off hers, but shook her head. It didn't really matter. "Well, let's leave the lid on from now on, yeah?"

Lauren nodded as she watched Normani enter their room and go over to her bed and start taking the sheets off.

Ally, however, regarded the older woman with a frown. "Is Lauren in trouble?" she asked hesitantly.

Normani paused and turned to look at the girls. They were still by the door, with Ally stood protectively in front of Lauren, watching her like a hawk. "No, she's not in trouble," she said calmly. "It was an accident. Or, maybe it wasn't, but it's only water. Even if it was something else, it's easy enough to throw the sheets in the washer."

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