part 29

421 7 3

The soccer team's last game was a home game against Daylon High. It was a big deal not just for the students but also for the soccer team players, who happened to be seniors as it was their last high school game, which made the game even more special.

Tory left my side as she carried her camera, taking pictures and documenting the final game as I now stood in the stands.

I was looking down at my phone when I noticed a shadow cast above me.

I looked up to see Nico standing in front of me, having finally arrived in the field. He placed his duffel bag on the bench before taking a drink from his water bottle. When he moved the bottle away, his eyes shifted to me, blinking with surprise. I guess he wasn't expecting me.

"Hey," he said softly. I gave him a half-smile before turning away. Things were still awkward, as I could tell by the tension between us. It made me wonder what would have happened if he hadn't shown up drunk and instead I had shooed him away. Would that have changed the end of our deal?

It would have saved us the trouble of dealing with him ignoring me. Something bothered me, and I didn't know why.

having my eyes glued to the field, I snapped my neck down to my lap when he threw something at me. Looking down, I felt the soft fabric and noticed the black fabric of the sweater. the one with his player number and last name, the same one I wore when I started this stupid deal.

As I picked up the fabric and lifted it into the air, I furrowed my brows as I exchanged a look with Nico. Nico walked over to me and stood next to me, helping to hold the fabric as I slipped into it. I quickly zipped it up after my arms were in. When I felt his warm hands lingering near the back of my neck, he grabbed the hair caught under the sweater and carefully pulled it out.

When he tucked my hair behind my ear and moved in close enough to whisper, I felt a strange feeling pool in my stomach, making the hairs on my body stick up even more.

"After this, our deal ends." I opened my lips to say something, but before I could, he walked away, never looking me in the eyes.

This was it? Everything would come to an end after the soccer game. I felt a pang in my heart. I don't know what was bothering me. This is exactly what I wanted.

I sat back down on the bench, and before I knew it, the game had started and the countdown began.


Following the team's halftime break, the cheerleaders began performing and entertaining the crowd. Immediately after, the school began recognizing the team's best players. Sitting in the bleachers, I applauded each one individually. As they mentioned Nico Valore, their star player, roars and claps grew louder.

"Woohoo!" I exclaimed, rising from my bench and giving him a round of applause like the decent and loving girlfriend that I was. I watched as he smiled at his teammates, who patted him on the shoulder. They kept yelling out the rest of the team's players, and before you knew it, it was time for the game's second and final half.

It was game time, and players quickly stretched and drank from their water bottles as they returned to the field. The opposing team's other players were also making their way back onto the field. Everyone in the crowd was paying close attention as the game was neck-and-neck. 3-3.

I was never much of a sports fan, but as I sat in the stands, nervously holding my breath after close calls, I learned to enjoy the game. And it wasn't too bad, especially when the boys on the team lifted their shirts to wipe sweat beads from their brows, revealing their toned bodies.

As the clock ticked, the coach pointed to Enzo and Nico, the Valore brothers. Without exchanging words, they nodded and continued to play.

Arlo kicked it away, causing the ball to return to Enzo. As he prepared to score, the ball was stolen and rolled away by Nico, who managed to get the ball and forcefully kicked it into the net.

Cheers erupted, and the coach blew a loud whistle as he threw his clipboard to the floor and yelled "yes!" as the scoreboard read 4-3.

Emerson was in the lead, prompting everyone to boo the opposing team. The Daylon players shook their heads, exhausted and irritated by their defeat. It was a very different story for Emerson. The players were overjoyed and began chanting as they celebrated their victory. Although there was no physical prize, the satisfaction of victory was enough for them.

I caught myself smiling as Enzo ran over, wiping the sweat from his brow and dabbing his neck with a white towel.

"Congratulations," I told him, and he smiled as he splashed water from his water bottle over his body.

"You should be congratulating me; I scored the last goal." I turned to look to the side when I heard Nico's voice and saw him smirking.

"Guys!" Tory walked closer to us, next to Mason, who appeared exhausted and drenched in sweat.

"We have to take a picture!" As she raised her camera in the air, she declared

The guys let out a groan. "Do we have to?"

"Are you serious?" "Of course." She responded, bringing us all closer together. She tapped an older man on the shoulder and asked him to take a photo with her camera. The nice man agreed, and Tory handed him the camera as she ran to stand in between Mason and Enzo. I stood next to Enzo and Nico. Hating pictures, I forced a fake smile.

"Ok, on the count of three."

"One-"Before the man could say three, I felt Nico's arm snake around my shoulder and rest on my shoulder.


It finally set in. Everything would end on the count of three. All of the shared glances and obnoxious hand holding would be over, and we'd go back to being strangers just like when we first met. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me for some reason. Why? I barely knew him. Maybe it was the fact that he had shown me what little good he had to offer that made me realize he wasn't so bad after all.


"Cheers!" Together, we said

"Perfect," the man said, nodding before returning the camera.Nico took his arm away from me, and we took a few steps apart. Tory walked over to the yearbook staff and chatted with the other photographers.

Mason waved goodbye as he made his way to the locker-room showers. I was standing there, listening to the quick conversation, when Enzo abruptly turned to face me.

"I just have to grab something from the locker room, and we can go back to the car." He told me, and I nodded. He started taking off his cleats and replacing them with some slides.

"I'll wait for you in the car," I told him.

"Ok."I was about to walk toward the school parking lot when I came to a halt and spun around to face Nico.I reached forward to grab the sweater's zipper, attempting to undo it and return it.Nico stood there, tilting his head and running his hand through his hair, before finally opening his mouth, parting his lips, and saying, "Keep it."


"Keep the sweater." He said in a duh-tone as he fixed the strap to his duffel bag.

"Think of it as a parting gift," he said in a low whisper.

"So, this is it?"

He gulped and nodded slowly. "Guess so."

"And Mila—" I looked back into his eyes. "Try not to miss me." He remarked before giving me his famous smirk and walking away from me, leaving me alone with myself.

And just like that, it was over.

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