part 26

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As I dressed, I felt a strange sensation in my stomach.

I put on a long-sleeved black shirt with an open-dipped neckline. Going for a more casual look, I wore ripped jeans and paired them with a cute pair of black heels. After applying my makeup and setting it with setting spray, I started to style my hair by running my hand through the curls.

I became nervous and felt a pit in my stomach as the time approached, and I received a text from Luca.

Luca: I'm here:)

I read the message and quickly typed a response before getting up from my vanity desk, searching for my purse, and exiting my room.I walked downstairs, adjusting my shirt to show what I had without being too revealing.

I turned around and saw Alex watching television by himself in the living room. He asked, "Where are you going?" I snapped my neck to look at him while preparing some ridiculous responses.

"To work." "At night?" he asked.

"mhmm...." I waved him off and slammed the door shut before he could ask any more questions.

I looked out the driveway looking to see a red beat-up truck. I opened the door and walked over to the passenger side.


"Hey." We exchanged smiles as I hopped into the seat, and we made our way out of the driveway to the start of our date.

After driving out of my street, Luca drove off to this small restaurant, Avenue, a small and charming restaurant on the west side of town. Now that I was in the car, the nerves slowly faded, and I focused my attention on my surroundings. I held the door handle down and pushed the door open once he had parked the truck.

In the coldness of the night, I saw the fog escape my lips.

As we walked into the restaurant, Luca gave me a look, ushering me close to him and pressing me close to him.

When I entered the restaurant, I was taken aback by the dark black chairs, marble floors, and waiters dressed in white tees and black slacks. the men with slicked-back hair and the women with gelled-back buns

It was pristine and nothing like I expected.

"Hello and welcome to Avenue!" "Table for how many?" the cheerful and upbeat host asked.

"For two," I replied quickly. She nodded, grabbing two menus from the sleek counter and motioning for me to follow. After passing the large back tables, she led us to a corner near the window with two seats. She set the menus down before returning to the front entrance.

When Luca and I took our seats, I opened the menu and looked down at the prices, doing a double take.

"Have you been here before?" I finally asked him.

He blushed slightly and shrugged his shoulders. "This would be my first time."

When he replied, I nodded and flipped over the menu. I made my choice after spotting the chicken alfredo.

"Good evening. I'll be your server today!" Some guy in his late 20s greeted us as he neared our table and introduced himself.

"Are you guys ready to order?" I gave the server a nod.

"Yeah, we'd like to order." The man nodded and asked us both what we wanted to drink; we both chose water. "I'd like the medium-rare steak with potato fingers, and she'd like the house special salad." I raised my brow, giving Luca a strange look. Luca was too busy handing the menus to the waiter to notice the strange look I gave him.

"All right, I'll be right back with your drinks." Returning to the kitchen, the waiter spun on his feet.

As we waited for our drinks and food, I felt a little awkward. The more time passed, the clearer it became that this was just some random person I had agreed to go on a date with. I had no idea who he was as a person.

We Were Strangers| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now