part 19

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I awoke groggy and still a little exhausted. I rubbed my eyes open and took my phone from my pocket, seeing that I had a few missed texts—a message from Tory and another message from my mother.

Tory: I left the room. I'll be back in a bit :)

Mom <3: Safe travels! I hope you have fun.

Before getting out of bed, I checked the messages and responded quickly. I walked over to my blue suitcase and unzipped it, grabbed my charger and connected it to the wall, and placed the phone on the nightstand in between the beds.

I still needed to do my skincare and brush my teeth, but I also needed to take a shower.

I walked back over to my luggage, bending over to grab some clothes and my toothbrush. I chose a cream-colored top and matching fleece bottoms.

I walked over to the bathroom, pushing the door open to see what was inside. Once inside and walking on the white marble floors, I realized how much larger the bathroom was than I had expected. There were matching white marble countertops that ran the length of the room, a large mirror, plenty of white towels, and a large oval bathtub in the corner with a large, frosted shower on the other side.

I placed my clothes on the counter and returned to the main room to grab one of my towels and the travel loofah I had brought. I returned and rested the towel on the frosted glass. I slid the door open and turned the silver-finished faucet to the side to find the perfect temperature of the water.

I stuck my hand out and stopped the faucet near the middle, getting lukewarm water but moving it slightly to the right so it was a little hotter but not too hot.

I took my arm out of the flowing water and began to undress, taking off my sweater, shirt, jeans, and underwear and placing them on the floor. I walked in the water, adjusting to it and allowing myself to be consumed by it.

I took one of the mini shampoo bottles provided by the hotel and lathered it on my hands before massaging it into my hair. I did the same with the conditioner, but this time I concentrated on the ends of my hair.

I took the purple loofah from the hook and lathered on some of the hotel body wash. I started scrubbing after letting the vanilla-scented wash suds up. I was lathering my arms when I heard something being knocked over outside the bathroom.

"Tory?" I yelled out, then called again after a few seconds. But I never received a response.

I chose to ignore it. And I kept applying soap to my body and letting the water rinse it off. I was almost finished when I heard another loud noise: the door slamming shut.

I turned off the water and wrapped a light pink towel around my body. I dried myself off and started walking over to the sink on the cold marble floor. I pushed myself forward and put on my matching rose bra and underwear. I paused once I was in my undergarments; my brow furrowed as I looked at the empty counter. Did I forget to bring clothes? I thought

I looked down at the floor, expecting to see my dirty clothes sprawled out, but there were none. I knew I had left it there.

Tory may have taken them, thinking the clothes were hers from when she took a shower.I grabbed the pink towel, wrapped it around my body, and started walking out of the bathroom, which I had left open wide."Tory?' I started asking as I scanned the room, but when I came out of the bathroom, she wasn't there.

I got a better view of the floor as I walked further into the room.

My heart started racing when I noticed a trail of undergarments from my bras and underwear trailing out the door, and my suitcase was no longer visible. The thought of someone breaking into my room and taking my stuff alarmed me.

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