💫nejire head canons☁fluff

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'YOU KNOW this would be the sweetest girl you ever date

'she loves to dress up with you either clothes from your closet or something she saw at the store that reminded her off you

'she loves to have late night talks with you 

'she loves to listen to you rant

'she likes to sit in a quiet room with you and read adventure books 

'she likes to make random crafts she saw on the internet with you

'look at me and tell me she doesn't like "buttercup cover by sophie wood ft jullian"

'i could see her having freckles and wears a lot of pearl necklaces

'she likes doing light make up on herself and one night you asked her if she could do yours and now she does it every day

'when she hears a song that reminds her of you she puts it in a special playlist 

'when shes alone she likes to call you to hear the sound of your voice

'you guys built a house together on animal crossing as a joke but genuinely love it to bits

'you always give each other little candies and drawings like she will give you a jolly rancher and your giver her a doodle of her or sum

'you guys go to the beach and collect sea shells 

' painting dates this girl has a talent there

'you guys sing soft versions of songs together 

'she likes to paint her nails light colors like her hair and a tan 

' she will paint your nails to match hers

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