🌸ochako uruaka headcannons☁fluff

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+n the living room of the dorms she would make both of you float to the top and people watch you have a lot of black mail

+seven 11 dates

+she loves your hair a lot and  just being able to touch it makes her really happy

+she likes to kiss your cheeks 

+she loves your smell

+you do spa days and paint each others nails

+when you cuddle she switches from big spoon and little spoon

+her parents love you since they know you will treat her right

+when you hold hands she likes to rub your hand=

+gets flustered easily

+she loves to take pictures with you she has a bunch hanging on her wall by her bed

+she loves watching romance movies with you and eating mochi

+her love language is quality time

+when she gets money she likes to spend it on you and not herself because she doesn't feel she deserves it

+star gazing 100%

+she wears all you shirts and socks and sometimes steals your shoes if you the same size

+she would accidentally use her quirk on you one night and you guys would be floating around her dorm

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