Chapter 6: The Emails

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As you look at your daily 'good morning' text from Ted you smile and reminisce about the past few months. So much has happened so fast. You've fully integrated yourself into the museum's work family and feel friendly with all your coworkers. Einstein even offered you some of his odd smelling gummy bears but declined, of course, since you were on the clock. But more importantly, you've finally been offered a speaker position, and have to prepare for your first presentation next week.

You sigh contently as you get out of bed, thinking about how perfectly life is going for you. You have a great job, new friends, a boyfriend, and for once you're not behind on rent. What more could you ask for?

After a hearty breakfast you sit at your computer dead set at writing the most amazing presentation on ancient Egyptian pottery ever made. But instead, you find yourself staring at the blank document on your screen for almost an hour. At last, you type out "Egyptian Pottery Presentation" in bold 20 point font at the top center of the document, and click save.

"Okay, that's enough for now," you say to yourself, "I deserve a break."

Since you're already at the computer, you decide that you might as well check your work email. You log in and are surprised to see dozens of unread emails with no subject from the same user. You consider sending it all to spam, but instead open the most recent email:

It's me again bitch. How many times am I going to have to send you the same warning you whore. If you don't quit your pathetic job at the museum someone's going to have to pay. And I know you don't want Ted to get hurt. Choose your next move wisely slut.

"What? What is this?" You scroll through all of the emails with your hand slightly shaking on the mouse. Your mind races thinking about who would do this.

"Anyone could find my email on the website," you think, "but why would someone threaten me like this for weeks?"

You delete the emails and close your browser. You're not in the mood to use the computer anymore, but what you've read stays in your head for the rest of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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