Chapter 2: No Introduction Needed

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Thirty minutes until the shift ends. You'd spent the day at the Egyptian exhibit's Q&A stand, a table with a chair and a sign, answering questions and handing out pamphlets. It wasn't much, but you were happy to help. You enjoyed feeding curious minds even if just a little. You see Professor Wiseman walk towards you.

"Hey, y/n, how are you doing?" She asks genuinely.

"I'm doing alright. I've calmed down already." You answer.

"Glad to hear it. You must be drained since it's your first time though. Why don't you join me at the auditorium when the shift ends? There's a lecture on the mummification process. I can introduce you to the speaker afterwards. Get to know your coworker."

"That sounds good. I'll be there."

The auditorium was dark, and a crowd sits talking quietly waiting for the lecture to start. It was chilly. Wiseman sits next to you and you listen to her talk about Mayan calendars. The crowd suddenly falls into silence, and you notice the speaker on stage.

A tall man walks on stage. He's wearing a yellow suit and a light yellow tie with black polka dots. Even from the audience you can see his muscles and chest from his shirt. You look down his long legs and look at his brown boots. You wonder what his feet smell like. You look back up. On his head, a tall yellow hat. He opens his plump mouth.

"It starts with death."

His voice is deep and kind. You listen to the whole hour long lecture in a trance. After everyone leaves the auditorium, Wiseman takes you to the man.

"Great job today, Shackleford. This is our new employee, y/n." Wiseman says to him.

"Nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Ted Shackleford." He extends his hand and looks at you with his kind black eyes. You shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Shackleford." You shake his hand. "I enjoyed your lecture."

"Thank you, and please, call me Ted." He slowly pulls back his arm. In a beat, he eyes you up and down and smiles. "I look forward to working with you." He looks behind him and then back at you. "I'll have to talk to you another time. Excuse me." He walks away and leaves the auditorium.

"What did you think?" Wiseman asks you.

"He seems nice."

She nudges you with her elbow. "Oh come on. You know what I mean. He's a hottie, isn't he?"

You blush. "He-He's attractive."

"Oh, if I was younger. I never married you know. I have to settle with the internet and novels from Walmart's book section."

You both laugh. As you leave the auditorium, you see Ted having an impassioned conversation with a ginger woman. You don't stay to eavesdrop but you're curious.

"I wonder who that is?"

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